Forum Discussion

Sani_B's avatar
Level 6
13 years ago

Trying to configure owa for exchange 2010 but running cscript owauser.wsf gives me some weird error:


Trying to configure owa for exchange 2010 but running cscript owauser.wsf gives me some weird error:


C:\Program Files (x86)\Enterprise Vault>cscript owauser.wsf /domain:x /user:xx /password:xxx

Microsoft (R) Windows Script Host Version 5.8
Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

WScript version: 5.8
Configuring for Exchange 2003/2007  << Why is it saying I have 2003 or 2007 exchange??
Running as: x\xx

User name: xx

User domain: x

Assigned user right: SeNetworkLogonRight
Assigned user right: SeInteractiveLogonRight
Assigned user right: SeBatchLogonRight
Assigned user right: SeChangeNotifyPrivilege
Configured Enterprise Vault web app
C:\Program Files (x86)\Enterprise Vault\owauser.wsf(254, 5)
WshShell.RegWrite: Invalid root in registry key "HKLM\Software\Wow6432Node\KVS\Enterprise Vault\Install\OwaWebAppAlias".


What function is suppose to creat the reg item "OwaWebAppAlias" because there is no regitem like that on the list at all.... Can it be created by hand or should I look in to some other function maybe during the installation?

Just in case it's relevant:

using windows server 2008 R2 on all platforms exchange is 2010 ev version is 10.0


Sani B.


  • Hi Sani,

    Please try disabling UAC on the EV server and running the owauser.wsf cscript again.  That should let it complete successfully!


8 Replies

  • Are you running this on the EV server or are you trying to configure OWA extensions on the CAS?

    You should re-read the Setting_up_Exchange_Server_Archiving.pdf on setting up OWA, I think you might be missing something.

  • I'm running it on the EV server and I've checked everything twice now...

    Can that be created with regedit or would that cause even more problems...?


  • Is the running as account the VSA?

    You need to run that scripts logged in as the Vault Service Account.

  • Yes I know and I am logged in as the Vault Service Account...

    Can anyone tell me what function it is that should create the registry key:

    "HKLM\Software\Wow6432Node\KVS\Enterprise Vault\Install\OwaWebAppAlias"?


    Sani B.

  • Hi Sani,

    Please try disabling UAC on the EV server and running the owauser.wsf cscript again.  That should let it complete successfully!


  • Symantec never bothered to change the script to say exchange 2010 nor the switch (from /exch2000 and /exch2003 to /exch2007 and /exch2010) is the answer to your question regading this query. I have tried to get this changed when I was working there for the EV support team :-). But this should not cause you an issue and you should use the switch /exch2003 as per usual, I have never had issue using the /exch2003 switch for exchange 2010.

    I think Chris has spotted the issue regarding your OwaWebAppAlias registry error. Whilst you are checking the UAC, might be a good idea to check the firewall and turn it off too.

    Hope that helps.

  • The owauser.wsf creates it.

    What are the requirements, and modifications made, in order to enable Enterprise Vault (EV) options with Outlook Web Access (OWA) 2007 or Outlook Web App (OWA) 2010?

    Article: TECH78377  |  Created: 2009-01-28  |  Updated: 2012-02-02  |  Article URL


  • Genius!

    Thank you CAlleman! I asked the system responsible to turn it off yesterday and he didn't so now I turned it off myself (had to google what is UAC 'cause was not familliar with the term) and TADAA! It works...

    Small things ay? Can wreck the whole thing...


    Sani. B