Two Provisioning task in single Domain
It is possible, but challenging. Each EV site (i.e. seperate EV installation) can run the provisioning task against the same domain. You can define each Exchange server into the respective EV site.
You need to throughly think of how you run provisioning. You should be able to provision only the users which are on the specific Exchange server, to avoid getting mailboxes to exist in both environments, or users getting their settings overwritten etc.
To make it less complex, why not seperate this in the one EV site itself? The configuring of provisioning is the same, but now you need to use provisioing groups to seperate the users. You'll need at least 2 vault stores (one for users on exchange server a, and one for users on exchange server b). In the provisioning groups, you specific which vault store to use to create/fill the archives. You can even split out the storage, you will also need to think about the OSIS (Fingerpint) sharing, etc.
I personally would not have 2 EV sites archive from the same Exchange environment, but would try to dived them in EV, using the existing options.
Regards, GJ