Unable to delete Index location
Hi Folks,
I am trying to delete index location which i had created for testing purpose now i want to delete the index location from the Indexing service --> Index location.
I have deleted index data from the local drive but when i am trying to remove it from the Indexing Service --> Index location.
When i am trying to do the same i get the below error attached please advice.
Like Chris said, it could be that there are archives still associated with the Indexing.
You can run the following Query against the EnterpriseVaultDirectory database to see whats going on.
Once you find the archive, you can either delete it, or you can go to the properties of the archive and make a note of each of the index locations, then move it to a new location and then update the location through the archive properties.IF there are no archives associated with it, you should check the IndexRootPathEntry table for the index itself, and see what the value of IndexRootPathCanDelete, if it's set to 0, then it means it cannot be deleted, you would have to switch it to one, reload the vac and attempt to delete it again.
If this *still* doesn't work, you can attempt to delete the row manually through SQL, if there are any entries in the Index Volume table that depend on that existing (a constraint) then it will not delete at all and give you an error instead.
Here is the SQL QueryUSE EnterpriseVaultDirectory SELECT A.ArchiveName, CE.ComputerName, (IRP.IndexRootPath + '\' + IV.FolderName) "Index Path" FROM Archive A, Root R, IndexVolume IV, IndexRootPathEntry IRP, IndexingServiceEntry ISE, ComputerEntry CE WHERE IV.RootIdentity = R.RootIdentity AND R.RootIdentity = A.RootIdentity AND IV.IndexRootPathEntryId = IRP.IndexRootPathEntryId AND IRP.IndexServiceEntryId = ISE.ServiceEntryId AND ISE.ComputerEntryId = CE.ComputerEntryId AND IRP.IndexRootPath = 'E:\EV Indexes\Indexes1' AND CE.ComputerName = 'evserver.enterprise.vault' ORDER BY CE.ComputerName, A.ArchiveName