Unable to Install EV Admin Console Only
We have upgraded our EV from 8 to 10 and started using Veeam as backup from BE. emails are in pending archive mode and been given this solution: http://dailyvmtech.wordpress.com/2012/10/23/backing-up-symantec-enterprise-vault-with-veeam-backup-replication/
On the backup server, in the past EV 8 console was installed and we are now unable to install/upgrade to 9 and to 10 from there.
When trying to install 9, this is the error we are having:
At least one test for the SQL server version has failed.NHSCBV01\BKUPEXEC: Unable to connect to server
My question is: I am unable to see EV 8 console in add/remove program; can we uninstall this from this server whereever it is? and than install the EV 10 console ?
Because when trying to install 10, it says 8 is already there you cannot upgrade to 10 directly.
Any help and advise would be really appreciated.
Many Thanks
Have you tried cleaning up the add/remove programs and trying the installation?