Forum Discussion

Ahmed_Mostafa_H's avatar
11 years ago

Unable to let EV outlook extension , OWA Differentiates btween internal URL and external URL

I have enterprise Vault for exchange 10 an i implement and EV to archive the PST file only
in internal use the user can see the the archive explorer and retrieve mail from exchange OWA , Outlook Client and enterprise vault OWA .
After I publish the Enterprise Vault OWA through port 443 and add this line in web.config for each CAS server <add key="EnterpriseVault_UseExternalWebAppUrl" value="true"/>
and modify the desktop policy setting "External Web Application URL" TO my external URL >
I face this problem :
if user in internal network and try to access the archive the EV-outlook add-in and internal explorer establish connection to Outside network "my external URL" that i add in External Web Application URL >
i need the EV to Differentiates between internal use and external use

  • It sounds like:

    • the users access OWA using the same URL internally and externally
    • External users come through a firewall.
    • EV is accessed externally using an IP address in the URL, but internally using hostname

    So in the web.config files on your CAS server, add the following setting:

    <add key="EnterpriseVault_UseExternalIPAddresses" value=""/>

    where is the internal IP address of your firewall.

    Make sure you remove the EnterpriseVault_UseExternalWebAppUrl setting.

    In the desktop policy, advanced, OWA versions before 2013 section, set the "External Web Application URL" to "https://publicIPAddress/enterprisevault" where "publicIPAddress" is the external IP address for your firewall.

    This should get things working for OWA once you have synchronised the mailboxes and restarted the OWA session.

  • dear  i read this file but no sucess in configure

    i have to  2 exchage CAS server 2010  CAS1 and CAS2 and this server have EV-addin 

    the user open the OWA from internal network and external network using same URL  ""

    and when open EV expolere from internal using this URL ""

    and from external using "https://publicIPAddress/enterprisevault""

    NOTE : 1-That i did not create external DNS recored for EV now i am using public IP address to acess archive expolere

    2- i publish the EV throuh hi 5 firwall and aloow only https by mean that user to aceess archive exploere must type https not http ..

      now in the internal network the owa work with ev-add in , outlook client with ev-add in and  EV explorere work without any problem  ..

    in external network EV expolre worked fine if user try to access this URL "https://publicIPAddress/enterprisevault""

    but the OWA and  outlook EV add-in can not get the ev expolrere it giv page can not display 

    any help 



  • It sounds like:

    • the users access OWA using the same URL internally and externally
    • External users come through a firewall.
    • EV is accessed externally using an IP address in the URL, but internally using hostname

    So in the web.config files on your CAS server, add the following setting:

    <add key="EnterpriseVault_UseExternalIPAddresses" value=""/>

    where is the internal IP address of your firewall.

    Make sure you remove the EnterpriseVault_UseExternalWebAppUrl setting.

    In the desktop policy, advanced, OWA versions before 2013 section, set the "External Web Application URL" to "https://publicIPAddress/enterprisevault" where "publicIPAddress" is the external IP address for your firewall.

    This should get things working for OWA once you have synchronised the mailboxes and restarted the OWA session.

  • Dear now i follow your step and  OWA can Differentiates btween internal URL and external URL.

    as when i open owa from internal "" the archive explorer credirect to EV internal host name

    And when open from external  " the archive explorer redirect to EV external IP addrss 

    But it seem somthing missed becasue from external when acess ArchiveExplorer the contetnt not displyed  but it displayed if access from internal 


    but when access the archive search and serach all items retrived 





  • Sounds like a problem with your firewall configuration.

    Use an http trace on the external client (e.g. fiddler) and match it up with the IIS log on the Ev server to see what is working, and more importantly, what isn't.

    That should hopefully give you a clue as to what needs tweaking on the firewall.

  • Find the solution it should add the site in  IE comtability View :) :) 

    but face other issue :

    the outlook client form external network when try  to open archive expolrer button in outlook client give 

    "An administrative policy does not allow you to run Archive Explorer."

    Vault cache is not enabled,  and  Archive explorer connection mode is set to Respect connection 


    Please advice