14 years agoLevel 5
Unable to rebuild/repair failing Index
Hello ,,
EV 9 installed on Windows 2008 R2 64
Event:The index volume has been marked as failed ..
Event: Unable to repair because of " Too many consecutive failed items " ..
Found a proposed solution in the forum about increasing the registry value HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\KVS\Enterprise Vault\Indexing\PoisonPillCount
Default: 1
But there are no key for Indexing\...... in registry for HKLM\SoftWare\Wow64node\KVS\EnterpriseVault!
Do I add all keys manually ?
Yes, if the key doesn't exist you need to add it manually. Before you set it though you might want to dtrace and try to find what it is failing on and why if you have not already.