Forum Discussion

loko32's avatar
Level 5
16 years ago

Update to Enterprice VAULT 8.0 yes or no?


I run EV 7.5 sinds jan. 09 and the issues don't stopping.
Now i wil upgrade to the newest version.
can someone tell me whether an update is recommended?

Is the version 8.0  with SP2 stabil.

Have someone good experience with an upgratde to 8.0?



  • Hello Loko33,

    I've ran EV7.5SP2 for a little less than a year, without many issues.
    When configured and maintained properly, it is relatively simple to monitor/maintain.

    I do advise upgrading to 8.0 because of many improvements to the product.
    There are some things changed that will ease your life, and make the product even better!

    I upgrade to EV8.0SP2 last weekend, and it is running fine. We have it running in our demo-environment since early july2009, without problems.

    I finished the upgrade (24 EV-servers) in less than 8 hours.

    Check my blog ( which has a spreadsheet you can use to perform the upgrade. It helps in making sure you do not forget something.

    I cannot yet comment on performance etc. of the 8.0 version (as we placed the tasks in normal mode only this morning), but the archiving of the journalmailboxes seems to have improved considerably (44.000 mails archive in 90 minutes)

    My advice again is to upgrade.

    They big ' but'  is that you have to make sure your current environment is running without lot of errors.

    Good luck,
  • i highly advice that you involve an ev partner to help you resolve those issues. if your services stop frequently, then there is something seriously wrong. support may be good to resolve single problems, but your entire environment seems to be unhealthy... and for the upgrade: you have to do ot anyway sooner or later :) i always recommend staying not too far behind, and at least upgrade to the latest sp frequently. cheers