5 years agoLevel 5
Upgrade Exchange to 2016 - EV related steps.
Enterprise Vault version 12.3.
We are currently upgrading from Exchange 2010 to Exchange 2016 and now ready to start migrating mailboxes.
Before mailboxes can be migrated I need configure Enterprise Vault for the new Exchange 2016 servers and am checking that I’m on the right track. Both (Ex 2010 & Ex 2016) are configured with DAGs.
Below are the steps I think I need to follow, and also have a couple of questions that I’d appreciate advice on;
- Add new the Exchange 2016 Servers to Deployment scanner and “Exchange Server Permissions” pass. DONE
- Create new EV System Mailbox for Exchange 2016 Server
- Grant Vault Service Account “Send As” permissions on new EV System Mailbox.
- Add Exchange 2016 Server as a Target.
- Create Archiving Tasks,
- Create Journaling Task,
- Move mailboxes using SynchInMigrationMode registry.
- Do I create a new Provisioning Task for Exchange 2016?, or does the current Provisioning Task do the job?
- As we are Journaling all email do I create a new Journal Mailbox for the Exchange 2016 Server or should I be journaling to the current Journal mailbox on Exchange 2010?
- Anything else I need to consider?
Thanks in advance,