Forum Discussion

AlanT's avatar
Level 3
14 years ago

Upgrade Options for Moving to EV10

We currently have partially implemented EV in our environment (Exchange 2003 SP2, EV 8 SP4). EV 8 is currently fully functioning, but only partially deployed (only to IT staff and a few key users).


I know that if we want to upgrade to EV 10 in the future, we will need to migrate to a new host running a 64bit OS.  We do plan on migrating from Exchange 2k3 to 2010, but not for another 12-18 months. We only have a single server available for EV use, so I am not able to install 2k8 on a separate server then migrate. Everything would need to occur on the same server.


My question is, could (or should) I:

  • Backup EV, wipe the system partition and rebuild with a 64bit version of Server 2008. Then restore EV8 and upgrade to EV9.


  • Backup EV, wipe the system partition and install Server 2008 64bit. Then start from scratch with a fresh install of EV9.


  • Forget upgrading altogether and continue using EV8 in perpetuity


Thanks for the help

  • I'm still ingesting it, but this looks to be what I need to get the OS to W2k8 R2. This was written with EV9 in mind, are there any gotchas if we're running EV8 still?


    Thanks again for the help

  • One other note, what about using Exchange 2003 tools on 2008 64bit, how will EV handle that?

  • I think your first suggestion is the best way to go


    You dont need to restore EV8. What you do is install the 64Bit OS. The do a data only DR on EV, as long as you have all the data on a different drive to the OS (which is best practice)


    Once you have done the DR on EV8 then you would upgrade to EV9 SP1. When EV10 is released you could then upgrade to that.


    Where is your SQL databases stored? Are they on the EV server or a different SQL server and what version of SQL are you running

  • You don't need Exchange System Manager any more, so there are no worries there.

    If you do choose the first option, you can't restore EV from a backup, you'll have to install the same version of EV8 on the new server and then do the recovery.  You will need to save any customized messages, filters and shortcut customization though.

    You can't choose option 3 when Exchange 2010 comes into the picture.

  • Thanks for the information, you've eased my mind on this upgrade.


    My sql server is on a seperate server. The only thing that I'm worried about is that EV is installed on the system partition. Is that something to worry about?


    Thanks again for any help



  • It's no big deal if EV is installed on the C: drive, but you'll want to make sure your indexes and vault store partitions on on different volumes.  If, for example, you used the post installation wizard and you put the \EVStorage directory on your C: drive, you'll want to move all of those subfolders to a different volume, preferably on SAN drives, or at least dedicated local drives.  And you'll want to do it soon before you get a lot of data in the system.

    If you need to move them, I know there are technotes for moving vault store partitions and indexes, and probably are some for shopping and cache locations too.

  • Take a look at this new document, that may help you with this:-







    p.s. this document will be shipped with the media when EV10 is released, and it is also available as part of the Beta program currently being run. Any comments on it are welcome.


  • I'm still ingesting it, but this looks to be what I need to get the OS to W2k8 R2. This was written with EV9 in mind, are there any gotchas if we're running EV8 still?


    Thanks again for the help

  • EV is installed on the C:\ drive of the W2k3R2 server. 


    The plan so far is to:

    1. Backup the system including EV
    2. Rebuild the OS (W2k8R2)
    3. Reinstall EV
    4. Restore EV settings



  • To be honest there isn't that much difference between EV8 and EV9 from an overall perspective, bearing in mind you check the Compatiblity guide for EV8 & W2k8R2 info. The main onus of the doc is to assist with migrating to 64bit hardware in preperation for EV10 - and as we can't upgrade over major versions then EV9 was chosen as the "from to" part.


    You may want to seek some additional advice and assistance from a consultancy practice too.