Upgrade Options for Moving to EV10
We currently have partially implemented EV in our environment (Exchange 2003 SP2, EV 8 SP4). EV 8 is currently fully functioning, but only partially deployed (only to IT staff and a few key users).
I know that if we want to upgrade to EV 10 in the future, we will need to migrate to a new host running a 64bit OS. We do plan on migrating from Exchange 2k3 to 2010, but not for another 12-18 months. We only have a single server available for EV use, so I am not able to install 2k8 on a separate server then migrate. Everything would need to occur on the same server.
My question is, could (or should) I:
- Backup EV, wipe the system partition and rebuild with a 64bit version of Server 2008. Then restore EV8 and upgrade to EV9.
- Backup EV, wipe the system partition and install Server 2008 64bit. Then start from scratch with a fresh install of EV9.
- Forget upgrading altogether and continue using EV8 in perpetuity
Thanks for the help
I'm still ingesting it, but this looks to be what I need to get the OS to W2k8 R2. This was written with EV9 in mind, are there any gotchas if we're running EV8 still?
Thanks again for the help