Forum Discussion

Cdee's avatar
Level 6
10 years ago

Upgrading of Journaling CA/DA from 9.0.2 to 10.4

Hi All,

I am stuck with a an issue, my environment has EV journaling 9.0.2 CA 9.0.2 and DA 9.0.2

I had plan to upgrade all my infra to 10.0.4 but unluckily i missed an important step and need advice on the same.

While upgrading i upgraded the EV journlaing box first to 10.4 binaries rather then upgrading the CA and DA.

i havent started the services yet on journaling server so as of now it just the binaries which are upgraded on server and the SQL DB is not update as services are stopped after the reboot, so my question is can i go ahead and upgrade the CA and DA from 9.0.2 to 10.0 and then 10.0.4 and then start the journaling services.

Will that make sense.

  • i think that makes sense. make sure to take backups of your databases before the upgrades. the recommended upgrade steps are: Upgrade the Accelerator product, then upgrade Enterprise Vault on the Accelerator server, last upgrade Enterprise Vault on the Enterprise Vault server.

  • in the mean time i tried the same and it worked fine :)

  • i think that makes sense. make sure to take backups of your databases before the upgrades. the recommended upgrade steps are: Upgrade the Accelerator product, then upgrade Enterprise Vault on the Accelerator server, last upgrade Enterprise Vault on the Enterprise Vault server.

  • in the mean time i tried the same and it worked fine :)