Users mailbox refuses to archive
Morning all, I have been trying to resolve a user mailbox that refuses to archive
Synchronise works no problem
Restore works
I have zapped the mailbox - no effect
DTrace on Archive Task and Task Controler returns nothing
I've run an Archive report and it claims 'No of messages that would be archived = 0' despite no items being archived for a year
If I Run Now against that mailbox it has no effect, but I do see an event 3231 (0x80040111)
If I try and manually 'Store In Vault' from Outlook the users name doesn't appear in the list of available vaults (although this Outlook is not his, it's mine and I added his mailbox to see what was going on)
Other oddness is his mailbox says he has 20k + items in his Outbox (some of which have been archived) but he doesn't report mailflow issues
There are 7 items stuck in the Restore Spool Admin Queue which won't purge 'The queue cannot be purged. Error: There is a sharing violation. The queue is already open for exclusive retrieval. I guess I don't know if this is related or not
And finally the event log is absolutely full (and I mean completely) full of 6419 (Enterprise Vault Storage Restore warnings)
An ideas what I can try next?