Forum Discussion

Rem_y's avatar
Level 4
12 years ago

Users mailbox refuses to archive

Morning all, I have been trying to resolve a user mailbox that refuses to archive

Synchronise works no problem

Restore works

I have zapped the mailbox - no effect

DTrace on Archive Task and Task Controler returns nothing

I've run an Archive report and it claims 'No of messages that would be archived = 0' despite no items being archived for a year

If I Run Now against that mailbox it has no effect, but I do see an event 3231 (0x80040111)

If I try and manually 'Store In Vault' from Outlook the users name doesn't appear in the list of available vaults (although this Outlook is not his, it's mine and I added his mailbox to see what was going on)


Other oddness is his mailbox says he has 20k + items in his Outbox (some of which have been archived) but he doesn't report mailflow issues

There are 7 items stuck in the Restore Spool Admin Queue which won't purge 'The queue cannot be purged. Error: There is a sharing violation. The queue is already open for exclusive retrieval. I guess I don't know if this is related or not

And finally the event log is absolutely full (and I mean completely) full of 6419 (Enterprise Vault Storage Restore warnings)


An ideas what I can try next?

  • Hello Casini,

    The error when trying to purge the queue can indicate it is being scanned by an AV-solution. Exclude the MSMQ folder from scanning. It might also be that the MSMQ storage limit is too low. I set it to 10GB to be sure.

    As for the storage restore warnings, a reboot should solve this. See for checks. There probably are too many mapi-sessions

    To check that 1 user:

    disable user for archiving. zap mailbox. In SQL, Directorydatabase, ExchangeMailboxentry table, find the user. Delete the rows for this specific user (there should be one, but you might see more). when deleted, run provisioning in normal mode (will add row again to EME table). when done, verify in console (expand targets, rightclick on Exchange, show assigned policy, look for user, does he have policies?). when ok, enable user, select the existing archive. When done, sync the mailbox of the user via the archiving task. when done, run the task in report mode for this specific user. Does it still show then '0 items to archive'?

    if yes, open the users mailbox, sort on  'modified date', are items eligeble for archiving?




  • Hi,

    I think you need to check the "Modified Date" of those user messages and also check the "Message Class".

    If message class in is different then need to add in to the Message Class tab.

    Also check whether this user is hideen from GAL and whether it is disabled for archiving ?

    Also check whether that user is part of any provisoning group or not ?

  • Also to purge that msmq you have to stop the EV services first But after doing the steps provided by gertjan, I would be really interested in seeing a DTrace of AgentCkientBroker on a Run Now in report mode
  • Hello casini,

    Can you please try moving the mailbox from one Exchange database to another or from one Exchange server to another? Moving the mailbox will rule out any issues related to the mailbox.

    I hope this helps.