Forum Discussion

andrew_charles's avatar
16 years ago

Veritas enterprise vault

Hi All,

When i am trying to search enterprise vault through the web front end it is just timing out it then says service is un avaliable. I have the appropreate permissions to view this. I have full permision on the journal mail box.
What i have tried is restarting the services on the server this sits on along with re-booting the server(Not best practice i know) I have also checked the index and this appears fine.

Any help would be most appreceated.
  • Right finally got this sorted. It was down to the size of the archive some 3.8 million emails. What we (the guy from blue source mainly) did is add a few reg settings which a, increase the time out settings from 90 secounds to 999 seconds. b, set the archive up so that it created a new partion if you will, that splits the archive up into 500000 email blocks(this enabled faster searching and resolved the issue.
  • Are you using a data range or doing a wide open search?  If yes, can you try a narrow data range like 1 day?

    Are you able to search your personal archive?

    What version of EV are you using?
  • Hi Tony,

    Am using Veritas Enterprise vault ver 6.0 and am searching for a specific email address and a specific day. I have even tried to search for emails from myself on days i know have sent them. The vaulting is running fine so i know they have been archived.

  • Is this issue effecting one users archive or many ? each archived that you have access too should be listed in the drop down list.  Using the vaultservice account should be able to access most, this might give you an idea if the issue is one archive/index or many.

    Do you know if A/V has the index location excluded ?
  • There are only 3 users with permissions on the journal mail store. I have tried with 2 of these users my own account and the journal account.  Neither of which can bring back emails from the store. The other user is my opo's account i have got him to try also and he cannot bring up any emails from the search either the AV does not point to the index location. So am at a loss as this was working up until recently.
  • also am getting the following error in event log

    WMI ADAP was unable to retrieve data from the PerfLib subkey: SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\Autocat\Performance\Library, error code: 0x80041009

    Not sure if its related but it has shown up when have tried to do a search.
  • Where there any upgrades to Outlook recently?  What version is on the EV Server?  Please include sp.

    Also, what is the OS of the EV Server, version of Exchange, and sp level of EV?

    Are there any other applications on the EV server? 
  • Hi tony, The server is 2003 and sp2 there has been no updates to the system for the last few months EV is Veritas Enterprise vault ver 6.0 and exchange is 2003 sp2
  • Have raised a call with blue source for this now and the chap i spoke to is stumpped as to why this is happening too. Will repost when we have a solution.
  • If the guy is stuimped at Bluesource then you might want to suggest they raise a case with Symantec Support, if they have not done so already.
  • Right finally got this sorted. It was down to the size of the archive some 3.8 million emails. What we (the guy from blue source mainly) did is add a few reg settings which a, increase the time out settings from 90 secounds to 999 seconds. b, set the archive up so that it created a new partion if you will, that splits the archive up into 500000 email blocks(this enabled faster searching and resolved the issue.