watchfile has items on it that won't go forward
exchange 2010
Archive location centera (no collection enabled)
Usage report shows items waiting for backup.
SQL query returns rows equal amount waiting to be backed up.
use vault_db
select * from JournalArchive where BackupComplete = '0'
Checked centera both queues empty - nothing waiting to be saved or replicated
dtraced StorageFileWatch - what should I be looking for it?
What else can I check in order to see if these items can be cleared from the watchfile...? And how to do it?
Not sure if correct but the sql query above also says value RecordCreationDate = from 2014 dates... Just got the environment under my management so don't know if it's been like this for a long time... looks that way to me though...
Sani B.
Hello Sani.
I don't recommend deleting the items from the watchfile.
Is it possible for you to verify the archive bit of items that are backed up? Is that 'cleared', or do the items still have the atrribut' 'A' set?
If A(rchive) is still set, you can basically do two things:
Set vaultstore in backup mode. open dos-prompt, do a 'attrib -a *.* /s' (clears archive attribute throughout all subfolders for all items). When done, clear backup mode.
Or, change partiton backup tab to 'use triggerfile'. Set backupmode. create the 'IgnoreArchiveBitTrigger.txt' file in the root of the partition. File can be empty. Clear backupmode. You should see the txt file change to .old extention.
For both, you should see the storagefilewatch process grabbing cpu-time. this means it is processing the items.
If the above does not work, or if the items have the archivebit cleared alright, you might want to work with support on it.