Forum Discussion

Mohit_Pal's avatar
Level 3
11 years ago

Way to find out active users in EV

Hi All,


Is there any way to find out the number of active users in the EV? Currently my customer environment have archives present for all users including the ones which are deactivated. Any way to get this information?

  • So if you want a list you need something like this:

    select MbxDisplayName, MbxAlias, MbxArchivingState,MbxExchangeState 
    from ExchangeMailboxEntry 
    where MbxArchivingState = 1


     0 = NORMAL, 1 = DELETED, 2 = HIDDEN

     0 = NONE, 1 = ENABLED, 2 = DISABLED

  • So if you want a list you need something like this:

    select MbxDisplayName, MbxAlias, MbxArchivingState,MbxExchangeState 
    from ExchangeMailboxEntry 
    where MbxArchivingState = 1


     0 = NORMAL, 1 = DELETED, 2 = HIDDEN

     0 = NONE, 1 = ENABLED, 2 = DISABLED

  • So this will give us a list of active archives. We have many active archives in the vault for the user which have been disabled on-prem as they have left the organization. We are trying to find out archives for those users. Any way that can be accomplished. Through a SQl query or something else?


  • Or use SQL

    USE EnterpriseVaultDirectory

    SELECT MbxArchivingState, count(MbxArchivingState)

    FROM ExchangeMailboxEntry

    GROUP BY MbxArchivingState


     0 = NONE, 1 = ENABLED, 2 = DISABLED

  • Through Vault Store Usage Report you can find a list of archives with archived items (Active Archives)