Forum Discussion

nwalsh's avatar
Level 4
10 years ago

What is the best action to complete a PST migration of 23TB of data into EV11

Hi All,

Im looking for the best solution in to migrating 23TB of pst data into EV11.

I was currently using the PST wizard to import the pst data which could take me some time in doing. I was told that using the PSt wizard is only for small amount of PST's.

My question would be what would be the best possible suggestion or recommendation in to completing this task.

I have seen around some are suggesting a PST migration script, I know Rob Cox posted up a template and i attempted to create my own script from that, but i was unable to get it working correctly.

Another post i seen is to setup the PST Locator / Collector / Migrator Tasks.


Any suggestion is appreciated




  • with that amout of data i would recommend a migration tool to help manage the process for you and you might also consider some professional consulting to make sure your EV environment is up to the task

  • I wouldn't want to use the PST Import Wizard.  :)  

    This article will walk you through the built in tools:

    We have two products that might help depending where you data is.  Drop me a PM if you want some more details.

  • with that amout of data i would recommend a migration tool to help manage the process for you and you might also consider some professional consulting to make sure your EV environment is up to the task

  • I wouldn't want to use the PST Import Wizard.  :)  

    This article will walk you through the built in tools:

    We have two products that might help depending where you data is.  Drop me a PM if you want some more details.

  • Hi Andrew and Tony,


    Thank you for your comments, As they have been very helpfull. Yes doing the wizard would take me approx 2 year to migrate :)


    Tony ill PM you.


    Thanks again.

  • EVPM script should do the trick.

    There should be a feature of EV 11 which automatically detects the right user to a PST file. It works pretty decent.

    But remember a script will probably not work in 100% of all cases espacially in a large environment like you have. 

    You need to check if the PST belongs to the right user.

  • i dont know how to setup the script. i was onto veritas to help me to try and set it up. but they sent me the link to the template which Rob Cox put up.

    i will have to read more into it.

