16 years agoLevel 4
Youngest Archived Item
Need to pull the youngest archived item from all vaults. Have found a few options on this forum but they don't seem to relate to my version ie. different table names.
I am using EV 7.5 SP3
Need to pull the youngest archived item from all vaults. Have found a few options on this forum but they don't seem to relate to my version ie. different table names.
I am using EV 7.5 SP3
- It's a SQL View in the EVDirectory database.
Uses this sql query:-
SELECT VaultEntryId, Type, RootIdentity, ArchiveName, ArchiveStatus, Structured, IndexingLevel, LocaleId, COUNT(DISTINCT IndexVolumeSetId)
AS CountIndexVolumeSets, COUNT(RootIdentity) AS CountIndexVolumes, COUNT(NULLIF (Failed, 0)) AS CountFailedIndexVolumes,
COUNT(NULLIF (Offline, 0)) AS CountOfflineIndexVolumes, COUNT(NULLIF (Rebuilding, 0)) AS CountRebuildingIndexVolumes,
MIN(OldestArchivedDateUTC) AS OldestArchivedDateUTC, MAX(YoungestArchivedDateUTC) AS YoungestArchivedDateUTC,
NULLIF (MIN(ISNULL(OldestItemDateUTC, '17530101')), '17530101') AS OldestItemDateUTC, NULLIF (MAX(ISNULL(YoungestItemDateUTC, '99991231')),
'99991231') AS YoungestItemDateUTC, MAX(ISNULL(HighestItemSequenceNumber, 0)) AS HighestItemSequenceNumber, SUM(IndexedItems)
AS IndexedItems, SUM(FailedItems) AS FailedItems, IndexItemsMode, ConvertedContentMode, IgnoreIndexingPolicy
FROM dbo.IndexVolumeView
GROUP BY VaultEntryId, Type, RootIdentity, ArchiveName, ArchiveStatus, Structured, IndexingLevel, LocaleId, IndexItemsMode, ConvertedContentMode,