10 years ago
Export archives from EV.Cloud to PST
We are looking to export EV.Cloud archives to PST or directly migration ev.cloud archive to office 365 mailbox archive ?
Can anyone suggest
1. best way to migrate the EV.cloud archives to office 365 archives mailboxes
2. is it possible to export EV.cloud archives to PST using native symantec tool ?
3. Is there any 3rd party tool that can export EV.cloud to PST ?
4. Is there any tool to import EV.cloud to office 365 archive mailboxes ?
I think you will either need to request the archives in .PST format from Symantec or you could possibly use Discovery Export. https://support.symantec.com/en_US/article.HOWTO95179.html
There are not any third-pary tools that I know of and no tools to directly migrate ev.cloud to O365.