Forum Discussion

anon--'s avatar
14 years ago

program removal tool failed to complete

I wanted to remove corrupted symantec programs with the program removal tool but it failed to complete and 'hung' about half way through.

I tried two more times and the program hung in the same place.

How do I make the program complete to finish the removal?

  • @ purplewiz,

    For Norton issues please visit the Norton Community. There are many experts with NIS there to help.

    This community is mainly for supporting Symantec Enterprise products.




  • Norton Removal Tool to sort problem reported by NIS 2010 on PC running XP SP3 - after half an hour of SymNRT.exe running with no apparent action I came to this forum to see if it was known to take a very long time. Murphy's law kicked in and the screen "Do you want to start NRT?" appeared! So maybe that answers the question - maybe not. Any comments?

  • @ purplewiz,

    For Norton issues please visit the Norton Community. There are many experts with NIS there to help.

    This community is mainly for supporting Symantec Enterprise products.




  • OK - I got here by searching for answers to my problem and the Symantec site was where I found something relevant. In the UK a least, Symantec and Norton seem to be the same organization. No need to reply - I'll try the Norton Community. I have more to say than I did earlier ;-}