Forum Discussion
- ScreenbertLevel 2eWeek (Magazine) - Good review, sometimes a bit biased.
Slashdot (Online Articles and comments) (They also allow for Paid Advertisments "Articles" now)
Network World (Magazine)
Everything else I keep up with on-line using Google Reader and subscribing to blogs. - Gizmodo
Ars Technica
No magazines other than DELL Power Solutions (occasionally).
- MBHarmonLevel 4
I don't know if they count as "Industry" magazines or not but I've got subscriptions to Wired Magazine and Make
- AnonymousI'll go with eWeek magazine.
- in no particular order: Slashdot, CNET, 2600 and Gartner reports!
- arrow_203Level 4
I run a slashdot RSS feed directly on my desktop. Other than that, just whatever tech news is floating around my regular news haunts:,
- jfolzmanLevel 2Eweek
- EdTLevel 6Computer Weekly
- nhej-Level 5Eweek for me..
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