Forum Discussion

nhernand's avatar
Level 0
4 years ago

Info Scale Enterpise 7.4.1 Solaris Question


I am currently trying to install InfoScale Enterprise on Solaris 11.4 and I am running into some issues. I was wondering if someone has come across this before. I can install the base application on my two solaris sparc based system and after a reboot the all info scale services are online. After installing my patch and rebooting both systems, the vxfs Vxfsldlic default is in maintenance mode and vxodm is in an offline state. While running the svcs -x I see the following error Cannot load module: /kernel/drv/sparcv9/vxportal.  Any information would be greatly appreciated.




  • obviously that the patch installed broke at least one vxvm "module"


    to fix the issue, you can remove and reinstall Veritas InfoScale.

    1 remove InfoScale

    2. reboot

    3. run installed -precheck     (run installer /? for the available attributes)

    if the command 3 passes, then run installer again to re-install

    if "installer -precheck" command fails, post the patch details