Forum Discussion

Garron's avatar
Level 1
8 years ago

InfoScale 7 - Monitor Program - User

Hi all,

I have a monitor program which connects to a DBs to ensure the DB is avaialble. This is defined within an application resource where the start / stop and montitorprogram are run using the id "oracle".

All other scripts (start / stop) execute as the oracle user. However, the monitor script fails to use the oracle user, the Application_<*>.log shows the following:

2016/11/24 13:59:33 VCS DBG_1 Application:app_dmprd_oracle:monitor:User is not specified. Using default user root.

Really struggling to find any reason for this.

Many thanks for your help.


  • Please share the,, monitor script, as well as the engine_a and application log.

  • To monitor a database like Oracle, Sybase, Db2,  you should use database agent for the db as these agents are capable of start/stop/monitor the db on both first and secondary monitoring levels and were fully tested by Veritas.  

    Its not really a good idea to implement your own scripts on a prod environament which Veritas does not support it.


  • Hi Garron,

    Yes, it is recommended to use Oracle Agent in VCS to start/stop/monitor of database.

    However, if you still want to use Appication agent, You need to check the configuration of Application resource . By looking at the Error, it looks like you have not defined oracle as user in the application resource. 

    The Application Resource should look something like below..

    Application myapp(
    User = "oracle"
    StartProgram = "/usr/sbin/myapp start"
    StopProgram = "/usr/sbin/myapp stop"
    MonitorProgram="/usr/local/bin/myappMonitor all"

    Hope this helps.