Forum Discussion

RiaanBadenhorst's avatar
5 years ago

Infoscale Ansible Queries


I've read the infoscale ansible guide and wanted to configure a diskgroup and volumes using the templates plublished by matthewyee

It is my understanding that we can deploy any of the following product options using the install (yum), and license modules


I had already installed infoscale so I did not use this option / playbook, I only modified the following templates from the github repo. I have not configured a cluster, and I only have two disks assigned to this server, sdb, and sdc.

[root@ansible infoscale_ansible]# cat roles/infoscale/tasks/create_dg_vol.yml

[root@ansible infoscale_ansible]# cat roles/infoscale/tasks/create_dg_vol.yml
- name: Facters
    module: site_facters
  register: facts
- name: Create DG, Volume
    module: vxvm_dgvolfs
    state: present
      dgname: dg1
      dgtype: shared
      disks: ['sdb','sdc']
        - - testvol1
          - 1g
          - layout=concat
      taginfo: null
    facters: "{{ groups['all'] |map('extract', hostvars, ['facts','infoscale_facts'])| select()|list }}"

I removed fss


I kept dgtype as shared even though the documentation says you can leave it blank if you're not created a shared diskgroup which I am not since I do not have a cluster.

I modified the disks to be disks: ['sdb','sdc']

I modified the volume to create to a a single volume of 1GB

I modified the seednode:

I execute the play


[root@ansible infoscale_ansible]# ansible-playbook infoscale_dg_create.yml -v
Using /root/ansible/infoscale_ansible/infoscale_ansible/ansible.cfg as config file

PLAY [Create Disk Groups and Volumes] ************************************************************************************************************************************************************************

TASK [Facters] ***********************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************
ok: [] => {"changed": 0, "infoscale_facts": {"infoscale": "{\"dg_info\": \"\", \"haconf_writable\": 1, \"cluster_id\": \"\", \"vxfenmode\": \"N/A\", \"padv\": \"rhel7_x86_64\", \"cluster_uuid\": \"\", \"llt_info\": {\"status\": \"unhealthy\", \"running\": \"No\"}, \"free_disks\": [], \"onenode_cluster\": 0, \"CFSSG_SVC_GRP\": \"\", \"asymmetry_value\": \"asymmetric\", \"cluster_name\": \"\", \"gab_info\": {\"status\": \"unhealthy\", \"running\": \"No\"}, \"version\": \"\", \"product\": \"enterprise\", \"vxdisk_list\": [{\"info\": \"format=LVM\", \"Disk\": \"sda\", \"udid\": \"VMware%5FVirtual%20disk%5FOTHER%5FDISKS%5Finfoscale%5F%2Fdev%2Fsda\", \"site\": \"-\", \"dgid\": \"\", \"hostid\": \"\", \"flags\": \"LVM online ready private autoconfig invalid\", \"dgname\": \"\", \"guid\": \"-\", \"type\": \"auto\", \"diskid\": \"\"}, {\"info\": \"format=none\", \"Disk\": \"sdb\", \"udid\": \"VMware%5FVirtual%20disk%5FOTHER%5FDISKS%5Finfoscale%5F%2Fdev%2Fsdb\", \"site\": \"-\", \"dgid\": \"\", \"hostid\": \"\", \"flags\": \"online ready private autoconfig invalid\", \"dgname\": \"\", \"guid\": \"-\", \"type\": \"auto\", \"diskid\": \"\"}, {\"info\": \"format=none\", \"Disk\": \"sdc\", \"udid\": \"VMware%5FVirtual%20disk%5FOTHER%5FDISKS%5Finfoscale%5F%2Fdev%2Fsdc\", \"site\": \"-\", \"dgid\": \"\", \"hostid\": \"\", \"flags\": \"online ready private autoconfig invalid\", \"dgname\": \"\", \"guid\": \"-\", \"type\": \"auto\", \"diskid\": \"\"}], \"all_nodes\": [], \"component\": \"SF\", \"system_state\": \"stopped\", \"license\": [{\"Version\": \"7.4.1\", \"Product Name\": \"Veritas InfoScale Storage\", \"License Type\": \"KEYLESS\"}], \"configuredcomponents\": [\"SF\"], \"shared_dg_mounts\": [], \"scsi3pr\": \"on\", \"veritas\": \"infoscale\"}"}, "msg": "facter created\nAnsbile logs are saved at:/opt/VRTS/install/ansible/logs/ansible_play_20201120033100/", "rc": 0}

TASK [Create DG, Volume] *************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************
ok: [] => {"changed": 0, "msg": "\nAnsbile logs are saved at:/opt/VRTS/install/ansible/logs/ansible_play_20201120033105/", "rc": 0}

PLAY RECAP ***************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************              : ok=2    changed=0    unreachable=0    failed=0    skipped=0    rescued=0    ignored=0

The results



[root@infoscale ~]# vxdisk list
DEVICE          TYPE            DISK         GROUP        STATUS
sda          auto:LVM        -            -            LVM
sdb          auto:none       -            -            online invalid
sdc          auto:none       -            -            online invalid
[root@infoscale ~]# vxdg list
NAME         STATE           ID
[root@infoscale ~]#

The documentation doesn't state whether the disks should be setup or not, but I would have hoped it would do this since the point of using an automated tool is, well, automation....


I setup the disks manually and rerun the play.


[root@ansible infoscale_ansible]# ansible-playbook infoscale_dg_create.yml -v
Using /root/ansible/infoscale_ansible/infoscale_ansible/ansible.cfg as config file

PLAY [Create Disk Groups and Volumes] ************************************************************************************************************************************************************************

TASK [Facters] ***********************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************
ok: [] => {"changed": 0, "infoscale_facts": {"infoscale": "{\"dg_info\": \"\", \"haconf_writable\": 1, \"cluster_id\": \"\", \"vxfenmode\": \"N/A\", \"padv\": \"rhel7_x86_64\", \"cluster_uuid\": \"\", \"llt_info\": {\"status\": \"unhealthy\", \"running\": \"No\"}, \"free_disks\": [\"sdb\", \"sdc\"], \"onenode_cluster\": 0, \"CFSSG_SVC_GRP\": \"\", \"asymmetry_value\": \"asymmetric\", \"cluster_name\": \"\", \"gab_info\": {\"status\": \"unhealthy\", \"running\": \"No\"}, \"version\": \"\", \"product\": \"enterprise\", \"vxdisk_list\": [{\"info\": \"format=LVM\", \"Disk\": \"sda\", \"udid\": \"VMware%5FVirtual%20disk%5FOTHER%5FDISKS%5Finfoscale%5F%2Fdev%2Fsda\", \"site\": \"-\", \"dgid\": \"\", \"hostid\": \"\", \"flags\": \"LVM online ready private autoconfig invalid\", \"dgname\": \"\", \"guid\": \"-\", \"type\": \"auto\", \"diskid\": \"\"}, {\"info\": \"format=cdsdisk,privoffset=256,pubslice=3,privslice=3\", \"Disk\": \"sdb\", \"udid\": \"VMware%5FVirtual%20disk%5FOTHER%5FDISKS%5Finfoscale%5F%2Fdev%2Fsdb\", \"site\": \"-\", \"dgid\": \"\", \"hostid\": \"\", \"flags\": \"online ready private autoconfig autoimport\", \"dgname\": \"\", \"guid\": \"{ba466918-2b0b-11eb-a5ba-d086294e8b80}\", \"type\": \"auto\", \"diskid\": \"1605861493.6.infoscale\"}, {\"info\": \"format=cdsdisk,privoffset=256,pubslice=3,privslice=3\", \"Disk\": \"sdc\", \"udid\": \"VMware%5FVirtual%20disk%5FOTHER%5FDISKS%5Finfoscale%5F%2Fdev%2Fsdc\", \"site\": \"-\", \"dgid\": \"\", \"hostid\": \"\", \"flags\": \"online ready private autoconfig autoimport\", \"dgname\": \"\", \"guid\": \"{bbd35c0a-2b0b-11eb-847c-7ab0542c754c}\", \"type\": \"auto\", \"diskid\": \"1605861496.8.infoscale\"}], \"all_nodes\": [], \"component\": \"SF\", \"system_state\": \"stopped\", \"license\": [{\"Version\": \"7.4.1\", \"Product Name\": \"Veritas InfoScale Storage\", \"License Type\": \"KEYLESS\"}], \"configuredcomponents\": [\"SF\"], \"shared_dg_mounts\": [], \"scsi3pr\": \"on\", \"veritas\": \"infoscale\"}"}, "msg": "facter created\nAnsbile logs are saved at:/opt/VRTS/install/ansible/logs/ansible_play_20201120033827/", "rc": 0}

TASK [Create DG, Volume] *************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************
ok: [] => {"changed": 0, "msg": "\nAnsbile logs are saved at:/opt/VRTS/install/ansible/logs/ansible_play_20201120033832/", "rc": 0}

PLAY RECAP ***************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************              : ok=2    changed=0    unreachable=0    failed=0    skipped=0    rescued=0    ignored=0

I now notice the two disks are shown as free \"free_disks\": [\"sdb\", \"sdc\"]

The result on the server however remains the same.

[root@infoscale ~]# vxdisk list
DEVICE          TYPE            DISK         GROUP        STATUS
sda          auto:LVM        -            -            LVM
sdb          auto:cdsdisk    -            -            online
sdc          auto:cdsdisk    -            -            online
[root@infoscale ~]# vxdg list
NAME         STATE           ID
[root@infoscale ~]#

Logs from the server show

[root@infoscale ~]# cat /opt/VRTS/install/ansible/logs/ansible_play_20201120033832/infoscale-vxvm_dgvolfs-20201120033832.log
20 Nov 2020 03:38:32 INFO cmd LC_ALL=C LANG=C vxprint -g dg1 -f | /bin/grep ^dg | /bin/awk '{print $2}'
20 Nov 2020 03:38:32 INFO cmd exit=0  (duration: 0 second)
Error:VxVM vxprint ERROR V-5-1-582 Disk group dg1: No such disk group

20 Nov 2020 03:38:32 INFO #Out of if
[root@infoscale ~]# cat /opt/VRTS/install/ansible/logs/ansible_play_20201120033832/infoscale.log
20 Nov 2020 03:38:32 INFO self.hostname connect status: True
20 Nov 2020 03:38:32 INFO cmd LC_ALL=C LANG=C LC_ALL=C LANG=C /bin/uname
20 Nov 2020 03:38:32 INFO cmd exit=0 Linux (duration: 0 second)
20 Nov 2020 03:38:32 INFO cmd LC_ALL=C LANG=C /bin/uname -r | /bin/cut -d 'l' -f2 | /bin/cut -d '.' -f1
20 Nov 2020 03:38:32 INFO cmd exit=0 7 (duration: 0 second)
20 Nov 2020 03:38:32 DEBUG Padv_linux found
20 Nov 2020 03:38:32 INFO cmd LC_ALL=C LANG=C /usr/bin/which dnsdomainname
20 Nov 2020 03:38:32 INFO cmd exit=0 /usr/bin/dnsdomainname (duration: 0 second)
20 Nov 2020 03:38:32 INFO cmd LC_ALL=C LANG=C /usr/bin/dnsdomainname
20 Nov 2020 03:38:32 INFO cmd exit=0  (duration: 0 second)
20 Nov 2020 03:38:32 INFO nofqdninfoscale
20 Nov 2020 03:38:32 DEBUG Host_facters:sys:infoscale hostname:infoscale
20 Nov 2020 03:38:32 DEBUG Host_facters:{'dg_info': '', 'haconf_writable': 1, 'cluster_id': '', 'vxfenmode': 'N/A', 'padv': 'rhel7_x86_64', 'cluster_uuid': '', 'llt_info': {'status': 'unhealthy', 'running': 'No'}, 'free_disks': ['sdb', 'sdc'], 'onenode_cluster': 0, 'CFSSG_SVC_GRP': '', 'asymmetry_value': 'asymmetric', 'cluster_name': '', 'gab_info': {'status': 'unhealthy', 'running': 'No'}, 'version': '', 'product': 'enterprise', 'vxdisk_list': [{'site': '-', 'dgname': '', 'guid': '-', 'info': 'format=LVM', 'hostid': '', 'udid': 'VMware%5FVirtual%20disk%5FOTHER%5FDISKS%5Finfoscale%5F%2Fdev%2Fsda', 'flags': 'LVM online ready private autoconfig invalid', 'dgid': '', 'Disk': 'sda', 'type': 'auto', 'diskid': ''}, {'site': '-', 'dgname': '', 'guid': '{ba466918-2b0b-11eb-a5ba-d086294e8b80}', 'info': 'format=cdsdisk,privoffset=256,pubslice=3,privslice=3', 'hostid': '', 'udid': 'VMware%5FVirtual%20disk%5FOTHER%5FDISKS%5Finfoscale%5F%2Fdev%2Fsdb', 'flags': 'online ready private autoconfig autoimport', 'dgid': '', 'Disk': 'sdb', 'type': 'auto', 'diskid': '1605861493.6.infoscale'}, {'site': '-', 'dgname': '', 'guid': '{bbd35c0a-2b0b-11eb-847c-7ab0542c754c}', 'info': 'format=cdsdisk,privoffset=256,pubslice=3,privslice=3', 'hostid': '', 'udid': 'VMware%5FVirtual%20disk%5FOTHER%5FDISKS%5Finfoscale%5F%2Fdev%2Fsdc', 'flags': 'online ready private autoconfig autoimport', 'dgid': '', 'Disk': 'sdc', 'type': 'auto', 'diskid': '1605861496.8.infoscale'}], 'all_nodes': [], 'component': 'SF', 'system_state': 'stopped', 'license': [{'Version': '7.4.1', 'Product Name': 'Veritas InfoScale Storage', 'License Type': 'KEYLESS'}], 'configuredcomponents': ['SF'], 'shared_dg_mounts': [], 'scsi3pr': 'on', 'veritas': 'infoscale'}

Please let me know what I've done incorrectly, or not done.




  • Hi RiaanBadenhorst ,

    Are you using an inventory file? Can you please post your ansible hosts file as well?

    Under the seednode key, could you please enter the hostname of the target? As well, please make sure your /etc/hosts file reflects the host/ip mapping.

    • RiaanBadenhorst's avatar
      Level 6

      Hi Matthew

      Yes, I've used your template and updated the files that believe needed to be updated (btw I've added another node now and configured a cluster)

      [root@ansible infoscale_ansible]# cat inventory/hosts
      [root@ansible infoscale_ansible]# cat /etc/hosts   localhost localhost.localdomain localhost4 localhost4.localdomain4
      ::1         localhost localhost.localdomain localhost6 localhost6.localdomain6  os-ctrl   infoscale-01   infoscale-02
      [root@ansible infoscale_ansible]# cat roles/infoscale/tasks/create_dg_vol.yml
      - name: Facters
          module: site_facters
        register: facts
      - name: Create DG, Volume
          module: vxvm_dgvolfs
          state: present
            dgname: dg1
            dgtype: shared
            disks: ['aluadisk_0','aluadisk_2']
              - - testvol1
                - 1g
                - layout=concat
            seednode: infoscale-01
            taginfo: null
          facters: "{{ groups['all'] |map('extract', hostvars, ['facts','infoscale_facts'])| select()|list }}"

      The result is however the same

      [root@infoscale_01 ~]# cat /opt/VRTS/install/ansible/logs/ansible_play_20201123072237/infoscale_01-vxvm_dgvolfs-20201123072237.log
      23 Nov 2020 07:22:37 INFO cmd LC_ALL=C LANG=C vxprint -g dg1 -f | /bin/grep ^dg | /bin/awk '{print $2}'
      23 Nov 2020 07:22:37 INFO cmd exit=0  (duration: 0 second)
      Error:VxVM vxprint ERROR V-5-1-582 Disk group dg1: No such disk group
      23 Nov 2020 07:22:37 INFO #Out of if
      • VineetMishra's avatar
        Level 3


        It seems seedname given is different than hostname:

        hostname: infoscale_01 
        seednode: infoscale-01

         Can you please recheck?