Forum Discussion

Bharani_B's avatar
Level 3
9 years ago

5230 Physical setup help required

Hello All,

I am into a transition project where 5230 is being moved physically to another Datacenter. I literally dont have any idea on these physicals and what needs to be considered for this to happen. All I worked on STUs till now in my career is EMC DD 880, Tape libraries. But when I am seeing this NB 5230 in google, I am seeing many new things that making me consufuse. Can someone help me how do I need to start first in this scenario and what needs to be taken care. Ofcourse I am going through Documents given by Veritas for this and your views will help me a lot more.



  • Marianne's avatar
    8 years ago

    1) Nobody here can answer your question.
    You need to ask the people who made the decision and configured 2 separate master servers at one site. 
    A better option would be to move 1 master to Site C and the other one to site D.
    Configure AIR replication between the 2 sites which will ensure that both masters know about duplicated/replicated images and can carry on in case of a site outage.

    2) If you are not an experienced NBU and Appliance integrator, there is very little we can do to help you. Information should have been supplied in the Request for Proposals and any additional questions asked before you submitted your bid. 

    Veritas has 'Deployment services' on their price list - I strongly suggest that you get a quotation or else speak to a reseller with certified NBU and Appliance implementation personnel.

    Apologies for the tone of my post, but you really need PHYSICAL assistance as indicated in your message subject.

  • There really isn't enough information here to give you a lot of details, but at the highest level you might be able to get away with a simple shut down, physically move the system, re-rack, power on and away you go.

    If you're making network configuration changes (as I'd suspect with a DC move), you'll have to unconfigure the IP address and re-configure it for the new settings.

    Is the Master server moving, too?  Is this a combined media/master system or does it only play one role? 

    These are just a few of the questions I'd have.  I'd also recommend getting a Veritas partner involved to help plan this since you don't really have the experience.

    • Bharani_B's avatar
      Level 3

      Here is the main plan:

      Current existing setup:

      1) It has Netbackup Master server  (Windows 2008) in SIte A and Backup appliance 5230 which is configured as Master server. (Primary site)

      2) Site 2 has Netbackup media server (windows 2008) in Site B and Backup appliance 5230 also which is configured as Media server and this server has Opscenter which also serves for monitoring purpose. (Secondary site)

      ***********Our company won the bidding and so transitioning now*******************************

      Proposed setup:

      This transision phase is happening in W2 phases.

      Phase 1: We are bringing Site B Media server and NB appliance to Site C and setup the physical things first and start replicaiton of Backup data from Site A to C via 1 gbps WAN and SAN setups locally. Here this server still remains as Media server. (this remains as Secondary site for client and Primary site is still Site A)

      Phase 2: We are bringing Site A Master server and NB appliance to Site D and setup the physicals and start replicaiton from Site C to Site D.

      We will now make Site C as Primary and Site D as Secondary for client and manage BAU.


      • Bharani_B's avatar
        Level 3

        Is this Proposed plan sounds a good one first of all or any improvements can be done in terms of Backup perspective?

        My questions as of now: 

        1) Why do we had Master server sepetately when Appliance itslef has an ability to act as Master server/Media server? What could the reasons?

        2) What questions should I ask to this current company and what shd i take care?