Forum Discussion

Guinch's avatar
Level 3
12 years ago

7.5 VMWare full system restore from previous backup


I am in the process of playing with.. I mean testing.. our new 5220 appliances and I'm using VMware snapshot method for the first time.

I have a policy configured to backup a few Windows (2008 and 2003) VMs.

The policy type is VMware. File recovery from VM Backup, Block level inc backup, Exclude deleted blocks and Exclude swap and paging are all enabled.

There is a weekly full and a daily cumulative incremental. These backup successfully.

However when I do a full restore I am only able to select the last successful backup be it full or inc.

Is there no way to restore to a previous backup?

For example: If a full is done on Sunday... and incremental on Monday. On Tuesday someone screws the registry or something but it is not noticed. A backup is taken on the Tuesday night. Given the above options I would only be able to restore the Tuesday nights backup which is no good. I would have no option to restore the back up taken on the Monday before the registry changes ware made.

Can anyone advise if I might have something set incorrectly?

  • Figured it out.

    Just in case anyone has the same problem:

    If you set a date range it automatically works out the most recent backup from that range.

    I was used to be able to select from a list on the old Admin Console.

    So if you set the date range properly you should be OK. Or "Use Backup History to set date range".


  • Figured it out.

    Just in case anyone has the same problem:

    If you set a date range it automatically works out the most recent backup from that range.

    I was used to be able to select from a list on the old Admin Console.

    So if you set the date range properly you should be OK. Or "Use Backup History to set date range".