AIR between 5230 & 5240 Appliances (2 domains)
I have Appliance 5230 at my production site and there is no DR yet.
we got new 5240 appliance for DR & its setup already with new master server in DR.
Can anyone suggestion nice article or procedure to create AIR between above appliances??...i have done AIR setup in the past between servers based MSDP/Master but not above appliances. Also is there any limitation exist on above setup like compatibility etc...?
There is no real difference between AIR orchestrated by home grown Master Servers versus AIR orchestrated by Appliance Master Servers.
For appliance based AIR replication of deduped backup data you will need to acquire and use the dedupe password, see here:
About Auto Image Replication between NetBackup appliances articles that may help you:
NetBackup Auto Image Replication (AIR) bandwidth tuning tips practices for using Storage Lifecycle Policies and Auto Image Replication in NetBackup 7.6 MSDP encryption