Changing hostname on NBU Appliance 2.6.01
Is there anyway to rename the hostname on appliance I have one character incorrect and need to change but the appliance will not let me factory reset. The following tells me that I can not go back to my old 2.5.2 USB image.
Im kind of snookered now. Do we really need Symatec PS to help us change the hostname? The benefit is we do not have any live backups, so we dont care about what gets trashed. Can someone help?
Kind Regards,
Ah - i hadnt realised it was the Master - in that case the best way is to do a fresh build from a USB or ISO
If you dont have a USB dig out your appliance certificate pdf symantec sent you - that should have a M* serial number on it
Put that into fileconnect and you will get the option to download the appliance ISO images (9GB!)
Download the ISO, connect via IPMI, connect ISO os virtual drive in the IPMI interface, reboot, hit F6 on boot and choose to boot from the CD
It will then boot from the ISO - when the splash screen comes up cursor down to Full Build and off you go...