[Error] Failed to add backup space for 'med02'. This appliance may not be used for backups.
I'm trying to add the new storage shelf to the existing media server Appliance but it's throwing an error.
med02.Storage> Resize MSDP 36 TB
- [Info] Performing sanity check on disks and partitions... (5 mins approx)
- [Info] The estimated time to resize the 'MSDP' partition can range from 0 hours, 2 minutes to 0 hours, 18 minutes depending on the system load. The greater the system load the longer it takes to complete the resize operation.
>> Do you want to continue? [yes,no]: yes
- [Info] Expanding the 'MSDP' partition '0'...
- [Info] Updating NetBackup 'MSDP' DiskPool with the partitions...
- [Info] Creating NetBackup DiskPool 'dp_disk_med02' and Storage Unit 'stu_disk_med02'...
- [Error] Failed to add backup space for 'med02'. This appliance may not be used for backups.
- [Error] Failed to create the NetBackup disk pool 'dp_disk_med02' and storage unit 'stu_disk_med02' for 'MSDP' storage.
- [Error] Failed to expand the 'MSDP' DiskPool.
Weird thing is, when I look at Netbackup Console, Appliance GUI and df -h output it shows the storage has been extended. Is there a Netbackup command with parameters to add the disk pool name to extend the partition?
Netbackup Appliance 5230, (I understand it's end of life)
Disk pool name: