Fibre Transport backups of Informix and DB2 report buffer out of sequence
Master: running on W2k8 R2
Media Server: 5230 running 2.5.6
Clients running
We have three AIX LPARS running on the same physical chasis. I can back up their filesystems over Fibre Transport just fine unless I'm also (not simoltaniously on the same box) running a DB2 or Informix backup (either all three or two of the three different combinations at once).
Then one of the two or three things running (again, one per LPAR) will throw an out of sequence error and bomb out.
Filesystem alone: works
Filesystem on one box + DB2 on another: error
Filesystem on one box + Informix on another: error
DB2 on one box + Informix on another: error
If I change the DB2 box and the Informix box over to "don't use fibre even if it's there" then everything works great. Slower but great.
Per our Fibre guy the overall traffic (NetBackup plus what the boxes use reading/writing the SAN) isn't even hitting 2 GB out of a possible 8 GB link. And the AIX folks say all the drivers (LPAR and host) were updated last December.
I've played around with shrinking the buffer size while increasing the number of buffers (divide one by 2 and multiply the other by 2, that sorta thing) with no apriciable change...
So do I just give up and declare Fibre Transport a lost cause when a database is involved? Or has someone managed to get this kinda thing working?