Forum Discussion

ddm2's avatar
Level 5
13 years ago

How to disable telemetry feature on the 5020 appliance

Hello folk,

I want to disable telemetry feature on the NB 5020 appliance.

How do it?


  • OK - for those who haven't yet patched please do it ASAP!

    And here is a real easy fix to clear the files down .. based on the telemetry directory only containing the telemetry files - this is assuming that you just want to clear it down and are not concerned with the call home data stored there (after all it will start to recreate it almost immediately!) This was done under the guidance of support so should be OK

    As you made have discovered the rm and rmdir don't have all of the functions of the full SUSE versions so just do this:

    appliance:/ cd /var/symantec

    appliance:/var/symantec rm -rf telemetry/

    appliance:/var/symantec mkdir telemetry

    All done - now patch! (cleared 40GB of a N5020 yesterday!!)

    Also remember that this applies to 1.4.2 and 1.4.3 versions of N5000 and N5020's and 2.0.2, 2.0.3, 2.5 and 2.5.1 versions of N5200 and N5220's

    Hope this helps

  • Thanks for your answer.

    I solved the problem with the support, but I'm interested in the fix. Can you tell me the link?

    Thanks again and have a nice day. 

  • FYI - I believe that that ETrack also applies to N5220 before v2.5.1 (i.e. the fix is included as far as I can tell in v2.5.1).

  • It only takes a few minutes to cleanup what's there while waiting for the patch to arrive and arranging time to install it:


    ls -als /var/symantec/telemetry | head -7

    ls -als /var/symantec/telemetry | tail -4

    ls -1   /var/symantec/telemetry | wc -l

    df -h   /var/symantec/telemetry

    date && ls -1 /var/symantec/telemetry | while read line; do rm -Rf /var/symantec/telemetry/${line}; done && date

    df -h   /var/symantec/telemetry

    ls -1   /var/symantec/telemetry | wc -l


    It took about 4 minutes to remove 9000 folders on each of our eight N5020 nodes.

  • The ETrack numbers to quote/reference are:

    ET2909692 to aquaire EEB fix for N5020 (de-dupe) stale telemetry files left behind.

    ET2904199 to acquire EEB fix for N5220 (media servers) stale telemetry files left behind.

  • OK - for those who haven't yet patched please do it ASAP!

    And here is a real easy fix to clear the files down .. based on the telemetry directory only containing the telemetry files - this is assuming that you just want to clear it down and are not concerned with the call home data stored there (after all it will start to recreate it almost immediately!) This was done under the guidance of support so should be OK

    As you made have discovered the rm and rmdir don't have all of the functions of the full SUSE versions so just do this:

    appliance:/ cd /var/symantec

    appliance:/var/symantec rm -rf telemetry/

    appliance:/var/symantec mkdir telemetry

    All done - now patch! (cleared 40GB of a N5020 yesterday!!)

    Also remember that this applies to 1.4.2 and 1.4.3 versions of N5000 and N5020's and 2.0.2, 2.0.3, 2.5 and 2.5.1 versions of N5200 and N5220's

    Hope this helps