Forum Discussion

ryanatom's avatar
Level 2
10 days ago

Logbrowser Start doesn't allow admin login

Hello, I recently took over managing some 5240 appliances running 5.30.1 mr3. I'm trying to copy the sos log's off, but when I do logbrowser start, the webpage will not allow me to login using the admin login.

I changed the admin password using password admin, to make sure shh and samba were in sync, but this isn't working.

If I look at the smb.conf the lines for Netbackup debug log share and commented out. The valid user is admin

There is a line for guest ok = no (I wonder if this would be an alternate way to login to the log webpage when you do logbrowser start

Does anyone know how to fix this?

  • Might be a silly question - but have you opened the log share? 
    Under Support -> Logs -> Share  (I think) - this does the required updates to smb.conf and refreshes the daemons to allow access to the share.

    Also, entering the admin username can be a pain (I have used various combos of admin .\admin and admin@appliance on various systems). 


    • ryanatom's avatar
      Level 2

      This version doesnt have Logs Share, it has LogBrowser Start which gives you the URL, but it won't allow admin to login. It's super annoying thing to not be working.

  • as a workaround, follow below article to copy logs to outside of appliance
    How to install EEBs, HotFixes, Security Patches and Maintenance Releases on NetBackup Appliances

    you need to go to Main_Menu > Manage > Software > Share Open 

    for the log browser, it could be a glinch, whenever you can reboot the appliance, and check if still the same issue exist.
    for logbrowser, you do not need to do any action (do not change anything on appliance level)simply start the logbrowser, and confirm it is running, you should be able to login with same username and password as you login to your appliance. (admin)

    if the issue still persist, I suggest, you open a case with support for that.

    • ryanatom's avatar
      Level 2

      I can try to elevate and then copy the logs to the incoming_patches folder. Then I'll try to map to it.

      • quebek's avatar


        Once elevated just do from any other system scp this file to your local system... simply like that.

        scp admin@nba:/path-to-file/file.log ./