Forum Discussion

tonywu_ingram's avatar
10 years ago

NBU appliance can't pass the host configuration

Hi Please advise is there any workaround to pass the host configuration Error "Failed to resolve the host name" The appliance can pass the nalookup of it's name and it has been added in host file

Please see the attachment

Many thx in advance


  • I finally solved by using 2 difference subnets between eth0 and eth1 The appliance has to be use eth0 IP address for initial configuration The host name has to be use the IP address for eth1 Many thanks for your input
  • please review entry of ip address and hostname on DNS & hosts file ensuring it resolves properly, then run "bpclntcmd -clear_host_cache" on Appliance & master , then run configuration again. 

  • I finally solved by using 2 difference subnets between eth0 and eth1 The appliance has to be use eth0 IP address for initial configuration The host name has to be use the IP address for eth1 Many thanks for your input
  • Actually scratch that.  I went and checked a manual and I was remembering wrong.  You do want to enter FQDN in the hostname field.  I think you might be getting bitten by the name itself.  Can you try a different host name?

  • 1.Add the hostname -> Main > Network > Hosts add <IP> <FQDN> <Shortname>

    2. Verfiy the entry has been added ->Main_Menu > Network > Hosts show

    3. Set the hostname -> Main_Menu > Network > Hostname set <hostname>

  • Okay, first off, when I said use the hostname set command, I should have been more explicit, sorry.  You don't execute that from the OS.  From the Main Menu in the CLISH, you go to Network, and then execute Hostname Set.

    In the screen shot you provided of the Web GUI, I notice two things.  First, if memory serves me, you don't put the FQDN of the appliance in the hostname field, because you have the DNS suffix.

    Second, I seem to recall that you can't call the appliance nbu5220.  I don't know if this ever got resolved, but at one time there was a restriction in the naming of an appliance that prevented you from using that name or 5220 in the first 5 or so characters specifically.  I know it was in a release note somewhere along the road, I just don't remember which one, and like I say, I don't know that it ever got changed.

    What I'd suggest first is remove the domain suffix from your hostname and see if it takes it.  If not, choose another name and see if that works.

  • Hi Chashock and SymGuy-IT,


    I uploaded the high resolution.

    The NBU appliance is 5220 and I reimaged it with NBA

    I can't do hostname set with the same error which I attached below as your reference.



  • Agree with SymGuy-IT, when zoomed in the image is unreadable, and it's too small to read without zooming in.

    Have you tried to do a hostname set from the CLISH?  Sometimes that can give you a little more insight into what's specifically happening.

    Make sure that DNS doesn't have a host responding to the IP you have assigned to the appliance.  My memory is there is a reverse-DNS check in that hostname function so if there's an IP conflict in DNS can cause it to fail.  This is a long shot, just trying to give you something to work with until you can get us more info.