Netbackup 5020 and 5030 appliances
I am simply looking for some information regarding these PDDO appliances. Are they being phased out as a result of the increased capacity of their MSDP counterparts (5220/5230)? I was in contact with one of our reps and they mentioned the 5030 was becoming obsolete because the 5230 was doubling in capacity. However, there is a major difference between obsolete and no longer to be developed and produced.
While MSDP is cool, I feel that it still limits me in the area of concurrent operations and overall disk performance and for this reason, the 5030 still has a place in the data center. If Symantec plans to abandon the 5000 PDDO series in favor of the 5200 MSDP series, then they will need to increase performance to go with the capacity they are touting.
We are currently at this cross-roads and are trying to determine our direction and it would seem the best decision is to use a 5030 with my own media server as opposed to locking myself into a MSDP solution with limited perfmance when comparing the two.
As i understand it the 5030 is primarily aimed at customers already using 5020 appliances rather than new customers.
As PureDisk itself is going end of life i guess the appliances have to as well but the 5030 give additional performance and support for cutomers using them in their environment.
The 5230's have been ramped up with performance and de-dupe capacity so a dual shelf 5230 running is a pretty powerful beast with decent capacity these days
I guess you would need to approach Symantec directly for a definitive answer and they would most likely want you to sign a non disclosure to answer it .. but with the demise of PureDisk i cannot see where that range will be going in the future.
Hope this helps
Thank you for the interest in both the NetBackup 5000 series (target dedupe) and NetBackup 5200 series (integrated backup) appliances. To answer your question, I want to cover two parts; capacity/performance and product lifecycle.
To give a little history, both the NetBackup 5030 and 5230 are current models and were introduced in May 2013. Both models leverage the same hardware platform for the controller and the storage shelf.
Today, the NetBackup 5030 scales to 192 TB and the 5230 scales to 76 TB. Symantec’s goal is to double capacity and performance every 12 to 18 months. Capacity and performance were increased last year on the NetBackup 5230. When it doubles this year, the NetBackupu 5230 capacity will be slightly less than what six (6) NetBackup 5030s can deliver, 192TB. In other words, the NetBackup 5000 series provides greater capacity today and into the near future.
Both the NetBackup 5030 and 5230 models are currently available, and no End of Life has been announced. Symantec’s End of Life Policy for Appliances is to support products for 5 years after End of Life Announcement. Bottom line: you have many years to enjoy both models.
As product marketing manager, I would be remiss if I did not make a suggestion (even PBS thanks its sponsors). A suggestion is to continue to use your existing 5000 series deduplication pool(s), and utilize the NetBackup 5230 appliance as your media server. This provides the benefits of the appliance form-factor over a build-your-own media server, and leaves the door open for future use of its deduplication capabilities.
While I can’t get into roadmaps and futures in a public forum, if you need more detailed information please contact me directly. I can arrange a more in-depth discussion on how Symantec is addressing NetBackup appliance performance and scale.