NetBackup Appliance 5240 HBA
Hi All,
We have a new NetBackup Appliance 5240. We have 4 HBA cards on slot 2, 4, 5 and 6. All zone correctly at the switch level. Hardware compatibility wise is compatible.
Slot 2 Port 2 for San Storage (VMware Datastore)
Slot 5 Port 1 For Tape Library
Slot 6 Port 1 For San Clients
Issues faced:
The Storage FC port light is kept flickering although the zoning is done correctly. Is there a way to troubleshoot this problem.
Please read through the section in Appliance Admin Guide that I have mentioned above.
It explains on page 265 which ports are used for Fibre Transport on the different Appliance models.
■ NetBackup 5220 - FC HBA cards in slots 2 and 4
■ NetBackup 5230 and NetBackup 5330 - FC HBA cards in slots 5 and 6
■ NetBackup 5240 - FC HBA cards in slots 5 and 6The NetBackup 5240 Appliance and Storage Shelf Product Description explains on page 19 and 20 the PCI slot layout.
NetBackup 52xx Appliance Documentation :