Forum Discussion

Vamsi1's avatar
Level 5
11 years ago

OPS Centre Not connected with Pure DISK Appliance

Hello Team,

We have Symantec pure disk  appliance (5220) as netbackup master server.

Netbackup server is not geeting connected to the opscentre, 

Could you please let me know what action needs to taken So that ops centre & netbackup server will be connected.

Let me know if you need any more information.



  • What versions of the 5220 and OpsCenter are you running?

    Have you added the OpsCenter server as an additional server and / or opscenter server in the appliances host properties - servers section?

    Can they resolve each other properly using short and FQDN?

  • Pure Disk version is : Version

    Previously we have netbackup version 7.5, Recently we have upgraded to Netbackup 7.6, 

    After that upgrade OPscentre is not getting connected & in the VMware access host I don’t see any servers mentioned.. 

    Can you confirm if we upgrade the Netbackup version, Does VMware access host server names will be erased ?

  • Have you upgraded opscenter too - it needs to be at least as high a version as the highest master you have?
  • NO we didnt upgrade the ops center, Could you please drive me how to upgrade ops center

  • You need to download OpsCenter from file connect or the licensing portal in the same way you download the NetBackup Software, they are named OpsCenter_7.6.0.1_Unix.tar.gz or depending on yoru installed platform

    and then download the patch from:

    Half way down the page you will see the opscenter downloads - you need the server package for you O/S

    Once upgraded it should work again

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