Forum Discussion

NBU35's avatar
Level 6
10 years ago

Upgrade to from


we are planning to upgrade our NBU appliance 5220 to version from

It is being used as media server and some tape drives are also attached to it.

I have download the patch of on my applaince. It total capacity is 40 TB and used is approx 17 TB.

Please let me know how should I proceed, what are the pre-requisites.

how long this upgrade will take.

  • Personally I would strongly recommend upgrading to a 2.6.1.x release unless there is some environmental reason not to. just went GA this week.  While there were some minor fixes in the release, I believe you'll find more benefit in upgrading to the latest version.

    It should also be noted that the upgrade path from 2.6.0.x to 2.6.1.x is as follows: --> 2.6.1+ -->

    As far as the time for the upgrade, it can really depend.  Being that you're already on a 2.6.x.x version it should go more quickly, but I would still allow at least an hour.

    You can check the IPMI configuration from within the CLISH under "Support" >> "IPMI"

    Hope this helps!


  • Personally I would strongly recommend upgrading to a 2.6.1.x release unless there is some environmental reason not to. just went GA this week.  While there were some minor fixes in the release, I believe you'll find more benefit in upgrading to the latest version.

    It should also be noted that the upgrade path from 2.6.0.x to 2.6.1.x is as follows: --> 2.6.1+ -->

    As far as the time for the upgrade, it can really depend.  Being that you're already on a 2.6.x.x version it should go more quickly, but I would still allow at least an hour.

    You can check the IPMI configuration from within the CLISH under "Support" >> "IPMI"

    Hope this helps!


  • Thanks Chad,

    Regarding upgrade to 2.6.1.x , is it a major upgrade ?

    do we need to check with symantec for its license or can directly download its patch and install. ?

  • Several things in this post are worth knowing before you attempt an upgrade:

    You should be able to download the latest rpms kits using teh appliance itself.  Or downlaod the rpm kits via the normal relase tech note pages.  You only need the serial number if you want to download the bootable ISO files (for appliance re-imaging).

    Your existing v2.6.0.x license key will work with v2.6.1(.x) appliances.

  • In Symantec terminology a "major" upgrade is a change in the "first dot" 6.5, 7.0, 7.1, 7.5, 7.6 and 7.7 would be the MAJOR release numberings.  The "second dot" or "double dot" release is the "minor" release version and the "third dot" or "triple dot" is the maintenance release level in the current numbering scheme.

    With that background in mind, while technically 2.6.0.x to 2.6.1.x is only a minor upgrade, there were some significant changes that should not be overlooked and can be found in the release notes (

    Additionally, a great link to save is the consolidated patch listing for the appliances located here:

  • Is there any way to check if upgrade is in progress..??

    It is been alsmots 3 hours , I have triggered the Install cmmand from jviewer. but still 


    .Software> UpgradeStatus

    The appliance version is and not in upgrade statie.

    but in ps -ef output I can see, Install SYMC_NBAPP_.....rpm command.

    hwo to ensure this upgrade is still in progress or has failed.


  • Hi All

    Thanks to all of you for your support, Upgradation has completed successfully.

    I had to uninstall EEB "SYMC_NBAPP_EEB_ET3592475-" , causing the issue.

    then upgrade went smooth. But now after upgradation, appliance is not able to communicate with some of clients. We are able to ping applaince from clients, but vice versa is not possible. 

    I assume there could be some non-persistent routes, which are now lost after reboot during upgrade..

    Is there any way to assure this doubt ?

    Please suggest any other factors which can cause this.

  • This has been resolved, Got all the routes from networking team.

    initially I was unable to add the routes, then I Had to delete the bond and default gateway.

    Then I recreated bond and added gateway and routes.

    Finally It has worked, thanks all for your help.