Forum Discussion

PranavB's avatar
Level 4
11 years ago

agent.cfg and pd.conf

Geeks !


I am very mucg confused about the functioning and usage of agent.cfg and pdf.conf file.

Which one should i use to limit the bandwidth.


I gotta limit the bandwidth for duplication to 5MB/sec.


How should i proceed ?




  • The bandwidthlimit parameter in the agent.cfg file is the global bandwidth setting. You can use this parameter to limit the bandwidth that all replication jobs use. It applies to jobs in which a Media Server Deduplication Pool is the source. Therefore, configure it on the source storage server. (HOWTO70618)

    The OPTDUP_BANDWIDTH parameter in the pd.conf file specifies the per job bandwidth. OPTDUP_BANDWIDTH applies only if the bandwidthlimitparameter in the agent.cfg file is zero.

  • The bandwidthlimit parameter in the agent.cfg file is the global bandwidth setting. You can use this parameter to limit the bandwidth that all replication jobs use. It applies to jobs in which a Media Server Deduplication Pool is the source. Therefore, configure it on the source storage server. (HOWTO70618)

    The OPTDUP_BANDWIDTH parameter in the pd.conf file specifies the per job bandwidth. OPTDUP_BANDWIDTH applies only if the bandwidthlimitparameter in the agent.cfg file is zero.