12 years agoLevel 4
How to Modify the Puredisk agent Configuration for large backups?
Hi guys
We are backing up 100 approx clients, and many of them are Linux Clients , so due to large backups size we want to modify the pure disk agent for linux configuration, as we have space problem on most of the linux clients,
We are using PureDisk
So kindly help me and give me the command to modify the pdagent configuration as large backups are there.
- Editing a PureDisk agent configuration file to accommodate large backupsDuring a backup, the agent gathers a list of the files to be backed up. On Linuxand UNIX clients, the agent writes these lists to the following directories:■ /opt/pdag/var■ /opt/pdag/tmpOn Windows clients, the agent writes these lists to the following directory:C:\PROGRA~1\Symantec\NetBackup PureDisk Agent\var.During very large backups, these lists can grow beyond the space that you allocatedto the / partition, which is typically kept relatively small. If you expect this spaceproblem might happen on a client, use the following procedure to modify theagent configuration file on that system.Note: Repeat this procedure each time you update the agent configuration filesthrough the administrative Web UI. The repetition is necessary because updatesthrough the administrative Web UI overwrite all agent configuration files.To modify the agent configuration to accommodate large backups1.Type the following command to stop the agent service:# /opt/pdag/bin/pdagent --stop2. Open the agent configuration file in a text editor.For example:# vi /etc/puredisk/agent.cfg3. In the [paths] section, type new paths for the following parameters:vartempThe new paths must be full paths, not relative paths. They must refer to apartition large enough for the backups.4. Save and close the file.5. Type the following command to start the agent service:# /opt/pdag/bin/pdagentTaken from PD Admin guide page 392