Forum Discussion

f25's avatar
Level 4
12 years ago

PureDisk Agent Config File Update is stalled


I am troubleshooting SPAR replication issue on 6.6.3 PureDisk.

On the Destination Storage Pool SPAR jobs start and keep being queued with 0% progress until 24h watchdog kills them.

On the Source Storage Pool the SPAR job is killed by watchdog after 4h at 33%.

Tried to run update agent configuration (the Source SPA is an Agent on Destination pool) using the "Config File Update" but that job got queued at 0% and is not progressing on the target SPA.

I have just re-activated - set all the settings from scratch - the SPAR policy on the Source Storage Pool. The SPAR activation job completed successfully on the Source SPA.

Ran SSH session from one to another and the other way.

Any ideas where is the connection problem? SSH keys? Strange.

Any help or tips welcome!


  • Hi,

    Now it is even more strange.... The Configuration file update job failed on the SPAR Target SPA:

    459390 [Error] <ClientSPA> No Policy Config File Update -NA- 0% -NA- Nov 6, 2013 5:39:08 PM 20:21:07


    Then it was followed by the following Critical Alerts:

    The following Critical Alerts arrived on the Target SPA:

    83758 [critical] DownloadConfigfile_DownloadConfigfile DownloadConfigfile <ClientSPA> [2]preg_replace(): Parameter mismatch... Nov 7, 2013 2:00:09 PM

    [2]preg_replace(): Parameter mismatch, pattern is a string while replacement is an array


    And the following Critical Alert on <Source/ClientSPA> SPA:

    1814 [critical] SPA-Webservices_Configfile SPA-Webservices Client.SPA.fqdn There is no default ValueSet defined ... Nov 7, 2013 1:00:08 PM

    There is no default ValueSet defined for Config File Template 1


    And SPAR started finally working after that....


    Logs of the failed "Config File Update" job launched on the Central/Target SPA:

    [2013-Nov-07 13:00:07 ICT] *** Start: DownloadConfigfile ***
    [2013-Nov-07 13:00:07 ICT] Change action is restart
    Thu Nov  7 2013 13:00:07.332071 INFO  (47472302860480): Getting Configuration file.
    Thu Nov  7 2013 13:00:08.474226 ERROR (47472302860480): The webservice returned an error :  There is no default ValueSet defined for Config File Template 1

    Thu Nov  7 2013 13:00:08.474600 ERROR (47472302860480): WebService call failed
    Thu Nov  7 2013 13:00:08.475035 ERROR (47472302860480): Failed to perform action configfile.
    [2013-Nov-07 13:00:08 ICT]Array
    *** Error Message ***
    severity: 6
    server: 17
    source: DownloadConfigfile_DownloadConfigfile
     [2]preg_replace(): Parameter mismatch, pattern is a string while replacement is an array
    *** End ***
    Agent Jobstep analysis: exitcode 1, status 3, progress 0.

     *** Supportability Summary ***
    jobid                 = 459390
    jobstepid             = 1321865
    agentid               = 17
    hostname              = <ClientSPA>
    starttimejobstep      = November 7, 2013, 2:00 pm
    endtimejobstep        = November 7, 2013, 2:00 pm
    workflowstepname      = Download Config files
    status                = ERROR

    Execute WFAction: Mark Error
    Agent update exited with error.

     *** Supportability Summary ***
    jobid                 = 459390
    jobstepid             = 1322643
    agentid               = 1401000000
    hostname              = Central.SPA.fqdn
    starttimejobstep      = November 7, 2013, 2:00 pm
    endtimejobstep        = November 7, 2013, 2:00 pm
    workflowstepname      = Error
    status                = SUCCESS

    Execute WFAction: Exit
     Job exited with 1 errors, 0 warnings, 2 successes

     *** Supportability Summary ***
    jobid                 = 459390
    jobstepid             = 1322645
    agentid               = 1401000000
    hostname              = Central.SPA.fqdn
    starttimejobstep      = November 7, 2013, 2:00 pm
    endtimejobstep        = November 7, 2013, 2:00 pm
    workflowstepname      = Exit
    status                = SUCCESS



    Currently, the question is: is it worth now to raise a Support case or just be happy it finally runs? Who needs to know why? 

  • well click on that particular agent

    and go to details and Logs

    and copy paste here