Forum Discussion

Cr13's avatar
Level 3
3 years ago

2 MSDP on Media server is it possible ?


Netbackup infrastructure is composed of a master and a media server in version
The media server has HDD and SSD disks. I have already created and mounted 4 partitions of each.
I need to test backup/restore performance with these 2 disk technologies.
How could I create 2 different disk pools (depending on the technology of the disks)?
I usually create an MSDP, but I realize that it is not possible to have 2 MSDPs on the same Media server,... can you confirm it? Do you have any ideas for me to do my test ?

Thank you for your precious help,


  • No. it is not possible.

    If this is a test server you can configure MSDP with HDDs, test it and destroy it. Then reconfigure MSDP with SSDs.

    One other possible solution is to configure MSDP with HDDs and run your tests . Then stop netbackup, copy the content of HDDs to SSDs and mount the SSD volume to the same letter or mount point.
    Of curse with this solution you can not run initial tests as the disk will contain the first backup.

    • Cr13's avatar
      Level 3

      Thank you very much for your answer,
      Have a nice day :)