Forum Discussion

ixat's avatar
Level 4
16 years ago

(23) socket read failed error for Lotus Notes backup

Hi guys, we have a Windows 2000 server hosting Lotus Notes services. There are 2 backup policies for this server with difference in policy type - MS-WINDOWS-NT and LOTUS-NOTES. Both policies are full backup type.

Running Netbackup 4.5_FP6 with L180 with 4 x LTO2 tape drives.

The MS-WINDOWS-NT backup completes without issue. It is backing up C: , D: and system state.

The LOTUS-NOTES backup is getting (23) socket read failed error recently. The backup job is still shown running in Activity Monitor with no error status however the tape used already has ejected and tape drive used by other jobs. It is backing up E: and F: which are the Lotus Notes db folders.

I have checked the disk space and each partition has at least 20% free space. Restarted the Netbackup service on client many times with each re-try but do not see any result.

It is baffling that the MS-WINDOWS-NT backup has no issue whilst the Lotus Notes job always fails.

Anyone can point in the the direction to further troubleshoot this issue?

Thank you
  • Hi
    Ask Your LN admins if thay did not upgrade or patch the LN server.
    Version of Your NBU is so old - haven;t You thinking about upgrading ?? 5.1 is not supproted any more and You are running on 4.6.

4 Replies

  • Hi
    Ask Your LN admins if thay did not upgrade or patch the LN server.
    Version of Your NBU is so old - haven;t You thinking about upgrading ?? 5.1 is not supproted any more and You are running on 4.6.
  • I'm sure you do understand that 4.5 and even 5.1 have been EOL for a very long time.
    Recent NetBackup versions (e.g. 6.5.x) contain many enhancements and fixes for the Notes agent.
    To troubleshoot your problem, you will have to examine bpbkar log on the Notes server and bpbrm on the media server - it could be a timeout. Check Client Read Timeout on the media server.
  • hi all, thank you for your replies. We are due for an upgrade next year after the 6th year cycle policy at where I work.

    We have 3 LN servers and all were patched with the monthly MS patches. This was done on 24th June. All 3 servers had no issues with backup all the way till 5th July. Now 2 of the LN servers are having issues while the 3rd server is backing up as per normal. No changes made to the 3 LN servers since 24th June. Thats the baffling part.

    What should I be looking out for in the bpbkar logs?

    Thanks once again

  • Hi all, just to update. The issue has gone away after reinstalling the NBU client on the LN server.