Forum Discussion

brice1's avatar
Level 4
7 years ago

26 (client/server handshaking failed).

unable to backup exchange DAG 2013 26 (client/server handshaking failed). since yestarday .

07-May-2018 18:09:53 - Info nbjm (pid=64525) starting backup job (jobid=619) for client DAG-SIM, policy EXCHANGE_BKP_FM, schedule Full
07-May-2018 18:09:53 - Info nbjm (pid=64525) requesting MEDIA_SERVER_ONLY resources from RB for backup job (jobid=619, request id:{D74D1DBA-5221-11E8-9C49-02B5057F5CE0})
07-May-2018 18:09:53 - requesting resource  stu_disk_SIMbkp01
07-May-2018 18:09:53 - requesting resource  SIMbkp01.NBU_CLIENT.MAXJOBS.DAG-SIM
07-May-2018 18:09:53 - requesting resource  SIMbkp01.NBU_POLICY.MAXJOBS.EXCHANGE_BKP_FM
07-May-2018 18:09:53 - requesting resource  EXCHANGE_RESOLVER.SIMbkp01.EXCHANGE_BKP_FM.DAG-SIM
07-May-2018 18:09:53 - granted resource  SIMbkp01.NBU_CLIENT.MAXJOBS.DAG-SIM
07-May-2018 18:09:53 - granted resource  SIMbkp01.NBU_POLICY.MAXJOBS.EXCHANGE_BKP_FM
07-May-2018 18:09:53 - granted resource  EXCHANGE_RESOLVER.SIMbkp01.EXCHANGE_BKP_FM.DAG-SIM
07-May-2018 18:09:53 - estimated 0 kbytes needed
07-May-2018 18:09:53 - begin Parent Job
07-May-2018 18:09:53 - begin Exchange14 Resolver: Start Notify Script
07-May-2018 18:09:53 - Info RUNCMD (pid=84990) started
07-May-2018 18:09:53 - Info RUNCMD (pid=84990) exiting with status: 0
Operation Status: 0
07-May-2018 18:09:53 - end Exchange14 Resolver: Start Notify Script; elapsed time 0:00:00
07-May-2018 18:09:53 - begin Exchange14 Resolver: Step By Condition
Operation Status: 0
07-May-2018 18:09:53 - end Exchange14 Resolver: Step By Condition; elapsed time 0:00:00
07-May-2018 18:09:53 - begin Exchange14 Resolver: Read File List
Operation Status: 0
07-May-2018 18:09:53 - end Exchange14 Resolver: Read File List; elapsed time 0:00:00
07-May-2018 18:09:53 - begin Exchange14 Resolver: Resolver Discovery
07-May-2018 18:09:54 - started process bpbrm (pid=84997)
07-May-2018 18:09:56 - Info bpbrm (pid=84997) SIMspmbx03 is the host to restore to
07-May-2018 18:09:56 - Info bpbrm (pid=84997) reading file list for client
07-May-2018 18:10:00 - Info bpbrm (pid=84997) client_pid=23548
07-May-2018 18:10:00 - Info bpbrm (pid=84997) from client SIMspmbx03: TRV - BPRESOLVER has executed on server (SIMSPMBX03)
07-May-2018 18:15:00 - Info bpresolver (pid=23548) done. status: 41: network connection timed out
Operation Status: 26
07-May-2018 18:15:00 - end Exchange14 Resolver: Resolver Discovery; elapsed time 0:05:07
07-May-2018 18:15:00 - begin Exchange14 Resolver: Stop On Error
Operation Status: 0
07-May-2018 18:15:00 - end Exchange14 Resolver: Stop On Error; elapsed time 0:00:00
07-May-2018 18:15:00 - begin Exchange14 Resolver: End Notify Script
07-May-2018 18:15:00 - Info RUNCMD (pid=86316) started
07-May-2018 18:15:00 - Info RUNCMD (pid=86316) exiting with status: 0
Operation Status: 0
07-May-2018 18:15:00 - end Exchange14 Resolver: End Notify Script; elapsed time 0:00:00
Operation Status: 26
07-May-2018 18:15:00 - end Parent Job; elapsed time 0:05:07
client/server handshaking failed  (26) 

  • Sure you have increased timeout on the media server?

    See bpbrm log:

    03:34:00.789 [53251.53251] <2> bpbrm check_for_signals: bpbrm timeout after 300 seconds

    The log keeps on referring to 'Connection' that has timed out. (EXIT STATUS 41: network connection timed out)
    I am now wondering if bpbrm log is incorrectly referring to Connect instead of Read timeout.
    Please try to increase Client Read Timeout as well. 

  • I would start by looking at bpresolver log on SIMspmbx03.
    If the log folder does not exist, please create it before next backup attempt.
      • Marianne's avatar
        Level 6

        Seems like 'something' has changed - maybe password expiration?

        16:01:15.268 [25704.37376] <16> set_exchange_impersonation: Login failed for user:
        16:01:15.288 [25704.37376] <2> SidAccountName::SidAccountName: DBG - SID lookup found nbuser@BGFIGROUPE using local system (../SidCache.cpp:170)

        It does seem that the process continues after that to resolve database names, but the process is taking a long time. 

        Only 9 minutes later are databases added to worklist : 

        16:10:02.072 [25704.37376] <4> Resolver_Exchange::make_worklist_item: Adding database Microsoft Information Store:\BJMBX02 on server SIMAOSVMBX04 to backup worklist
        16:10:02.072 [25704.37376] <4> Resolver_Exchange::make_worklist_item: Added database Microsoft Information Store:\BJMBX02 on server SIMAOSVMBX04 to backup worklist
        16:10:02.072 [25704.37376] <4> Resolver_Exchange::make_worklist_item: Adding database Microsoft Information Store:\CIMBX03 on server SIMAOSVMBX04 to backup worklist

        By this time, bpbrm on the media server seems to have timed out (bpbrm log on the media server should confirm):

        16:10:02.088 [25704.37376] <16> bpresolver_main(): Network connection error at send(). Error = (10053).

        So, with my limited Exchange agent knowledge, I would check the following:
        - User credentials
        - Client Connect timeout on the media server. The default of 5 minutes can be increased to something like 15 - 30 minutes. I do not recommend increasing Connect timeout to more than 1800.