I did find below in <install_path>\netbackup\logs\nbinstallagent:
11:43:27.000 [24044] <4> Found client_name value: [client_name_edited].
11:43:27.000 [24044] <4> Found op value: [install].
11:43:27.000 [24044] <4> Found package_name value: [nbclient_8.1.2_windows_x64.sja].
11:43:27.000 [24044] <4> Found package_path value: [C:\Program Files\Veritas\NetBackup\Temp\nbclient_8.1.2_windows_x64.sja].
11:43:27.000 [24044] <4> Running from NBTMP...
11:43:27.000 [24044] <4> Starting package installation.
11:43:27.000 [24044] <2> Successfully created package extraction folder: [C:\Program Files\Veritas\NetBackup\Temp\nbclient_8.1.2_windows_x64.sja.extracted].
11:43:27.000 [24044] <2> Performing backlevel check on binary [nbliveup.exe], found backlevel=true
11:43:27.000 [24044] <2> Backlevel extraction skipping verification: [C:\Program Files\Veritas\NetBackup\Temp\nbclient_8.1.2_windows_x64.sja]->[C:\Program Files\Veritas\NetBackup\Temp\nbclient_8.1.2_windows_x64.sja.extracted]
11:43:28.000 [24044] <2> Successfully extracted [C:\Program Files\Veritas\NetBackup\Temp\nbclient_8.1.2_windows_x64.sja] to [C:\Program Files\Veritas\NetBackup\Temp\nbclient_8.1.2_windows_x64.sja.extracted].
11:43:28.000 [24044] <4> Stopping all NetBackup processes except nbinstallagent.
11:43:28.000 [24044] <16> nbstop not present at expected path: [C:\Program Files\Veritas\NetBackup\bin\nbstop.exe].
11:43:28.000 [24044] <4> nbstop is not present. Using legacy procedure for stopping NetBackup processes.
11:43:28.000 [24044] <2> Running service shutdown command: ["C:\Program Files\Veritas\NetBackup\bin\bpdown.exe" -f -v 2>&1].
11:43:42.000 [24044] <2> Execution finished.
11:43:42.000 [24044] <4> bpdown returned following output:
11:43:42.000 [24044] <4> ------------------------------------------------------------
11:43:42.000 [24044] <4>
NetBackup 8.0 -- Shutdown Utility
Shutting down services
> NetBackup Deduplication Multi-Threaded Agent
> NetBackup Deduplication Multi-Threaded Agent -- STOPPED
> NetBackup Discovery Framework
> NetBackup Discovery Framework -- STOPPED
> NetBackup SAN Client Fibre Transport Service
> NetBackup SAN Client Fibre Transport Service -- DISABLED
> NetBackup Client Service
> NetBackup Client Service -- STOPPED
> NetBackup Legacy Client Service
> NetBackup Legacy Client Service -- STOPPED
> NetBackup Legacy Network Service
> NetBackup Legacy Network Service -- STOPPED
Shutting down robot control daemons
Shutdown completed successfully.
11:43:42.000 [24044] <4> ------------------------------------------------------------
11:43:42.000 [24044] <4> Service shutdown successful.
11:43:42.000 [24044] <2> Running command to identify NB processes: ["C:\Program Files\Veritas\NetBackup\bin\bpps.exe" -S].
11:43:44.000 [24044] <2> Execution finished.
11:43:44.000 [24044] <4> bpps 11616 0.000% 0.093 7.1M 2/13/19 11:43:42.892
11:43:44.000 [24044] <2> bpps output shows [1] processes running.
11:43:44.000 [24044] <4> Process [bpps], pid [11616], is no longer running.
11:43:44.000 [24044] <4> Successfully stopped all NetBackup processes using legacy procedure.
11:43:44.000 [24044] <4> Performing Windows client installation.
11:43:44.000 [24044] <2> Populating Windows client answer file [silentinstall.resp].
11:43:44.000 [24044] <2> Added answer file entry: [CLIENTNAME:client_name_edited].
11:43:44.000 [24044] <2> Added answer file entry: [CLIENTSLAVENAME:client_name_edited].
11:43:44.000 [24044] <2> Added answer file entry: [FINGERPRINT:edited_here_where_some_hex_numbers].
11:43:44.000 [24044] <2> Added answer file entry: [INSTALLDIR:C:\Program Files\Veritas\].
11:43:44.000 [24044] <2> Added answer file entry: [NETBACKUPCLIENTINSTALL:1].
11:43:44.000 [24044] <2> Added answer file entry: [NUMERICINSTALLTYPE:1].
11:43:44.000 [24044] <2> Added answer file entry: [RUN_BPDOWN:0].
11:43:44.000 [24044] <2> Added answer file entry: [SILENTINSTALL:1].
11:43:44.000 [24044] <4> Finished populating answer file
11:43:44.000 [24044] <2> Running installation command: ["C:\Program Files\Veritas\NetBackup\Temp\nbclient_8.1.2_windows_x64.sja.extracted\setup.exe" /CLIENT -s /REALLYLOCAL /RESPFILE:'silentinstall.resp'].
11:44:24.000 [24044] <2> Execution finished.
11:44:24.000 [24044] <2> =======Output from command=======
11:44:24.000 [24044] <4> Installation finished with status [1603].
11:44:24.000 [24044] <2> agent_set_inherit_flag: Successfully set inherit flag 0 on 0000000000000194[vxupdate_stdout_socket].
11:44:24.000 [24044] <2> agent_set_inherit_flag: Successfully set inherit flag 0 on 00000000000001F0[vxupdate_stderr_socket].
11:44:24.000 [24044] <2> Running startup command: ["C:\Program Files\Veritas\NetBackup\bin\bpup.exe" -f -v 2>&1].
11:44:26.000 [24044] <2> Execution finished.
11:44:26.000 [24044] <4> Command returned following output:
11:44:26.000 [24044] <4> ------------------------------------------------------------
11:44:26.000 [24044] <4>
NetBackup 8.0 -- Startup Utility
Starting services
> NetBackup Legacy Network Service
> NetBackup Legacy Network Service -- STARTED
> NetBackup Legacy Client Service
> NetBackup Legacy Client Service -- STARTED
> NetBackup Client Service
> NetBackup Client Service -- STARTED
> NetBackup SAN Client Fibre Transport Service
> NetBackup SAN Client Fibre Transport Service -- DISABLED
> NetBackup Discovery Framework
> NetBackup Discovery Framework -- STARTED
> NetBackup Deduplication Multi-Threaded Agent
> NetBackup Deduplication Multi-Threaded Agent -- STARTED
Start up completed successfully.
11:44:26.000 [24044] <4> ------------------------------------------------------------
11:44:26.000 [24044] <4> Successfully restarted NetBackup services.
11:44:26.000 [24044] <2> Removed [C:\Program Files\Veritas\NetBackup\bin\nbliveup.exe].
11:44:26.000 [24044] <16> Restored filename [C:\Program Files\Veritas\NetBackup\bin\nbliveup.exe.vxupdate.renamed] to [C:\Program Files\Veritas\NetBackup\bin\nbliveup.exe].
11:44:26.000 [24044] <4> EXIT STATUS 7226
11:44:26.000 [24044] <2> Performing terminating close of sock(496)
11:44:26.000 [24044] <2> Performing terminating close of sock(404)
NBU service on this box are running on user ID who is in administrators group on this box. When I did login to this box, created the silentinstall.resp file as in above logs and ran the same command it went on fine?
"C:\Program Files\Veritas\NetBackup\Temp\nbclient_8.1.2_windows_x64.sja.extracted\setup.exe" /CLIENT -s /REALLYLOCAL /RESPFILE:'silentinstall.resp'
So why this could not finish successfully when started by deployment policy?! interesting... In the event log on this system I did not find anything interesting, only this:
Ending a Windows Installer transaction: C:\Program Files\Veritas\NetBackup\Temp\nbclient_8.1.2_windows_x64.sja.extracted\\Veritas NetBackup Client.msi. Client Process Id: 11092.
Product: Veritas NetBackup Client -- Installation operation failed.
Windows Installer installed the product. Product Name: Veritas NetBackup Client. Product Version: 8.1.2. Product Language: 1033. Manufacturer: Veritas Technologies LLC. Installation success or error status: 0.
In that user ID %temp% folder I did find some MSIxxx.log with return value 3 inside... but no clue what is the culrpit...
I am attaching for those who can read it better to this thread...