Forum Discussion

Sriram's avatar
Level 6
15 years ago

A disaster situation for Master server

We have a current environment of 6.5.x master and 6.5.x media servers with Data Domain connected.


The master is in remote location where we don't have access to and the media servers are accessible.  The backups and restores are happening as normal.

Now the remote master is gone crashed and we don't have a master.  Now what we are planning to so is:

Option 1:

1.  Build a new master in SUSE linux with Netbackup 6.5.5 (because we use DD for backups) in the same subnet as of the old master and the media servers.

2.  Now configure the robot and drives from new master, which is seen by old media servers.

3.  Create a OpenStorage disk STU.

4.  Run a test backup


Now my another question is :


1.  Is my "Option 1" a correct approach?

2.  If Yes, then is that possible to use the old tapes (from old master) to recover the backup images using new master server?

3.  If No, what is the way to work it around to bring in the old tapes used by old master and make use of the images in the tapes, so that we can restore those images inside it?

- Sri

  • I hope you are asking this question in prepation of master server crash...

    You need to configure Hot Catalog Backups to disk or tape. Also configure email notification - after each catalog backup, you will be sent an email with exact recovery instructions.

    Read Admin Guide 1 : Look for Catalog protection in Chapter 6.

    You can also find Master server recovery instructions in Troubleshooting Guide.

  • I hope you are asking this question in prepation of master server crash...

    You need to configure Hot Catalog Backups to disk or tape. Also configure email notification - after each catalog backup, you will be sent an email with exact recovery instructions.

    Read Admin Guide 1 : Look for Catalog protection in Chapter 6.

    You can also find Master server recovery instructions in Troubleshooting Guide.

  • Short answer yes it should work. All you are doing is replacing your missing master server so its catalog recovery, media server re-integration. From what Ive read I'd make the replacement have the same identity of the missing master.


  • If you want the new master funcatioing as the replacement of the crashed one, you will need to restore the catalog.  Once you bring up the new server and NBU, configured the media server, you'll need to restore the catalog from the backup.

    The documents Marianne listed give detailed solution on your scenario.

    Good luck.

  • If your Master server is got crashed then , you need to build the new server with the similar setup . If you are taking catalog backup's on a regular basis then no need to worry you can bring up the server as it was earlier.

    1. Setup the server and configure Netbackup master server , make sure that server name and the installtion paths are similar to your old setup.

    2. Configure one of the robot and drive for restoring you catalog backup . If you are taking catalog backup's to disk then robot configuriation is not required , just recover the catalog from that disk path, make sure you have a catalog recovery file . If you dont have also dont worry you can create the recovery file .

    3. once the catalog is completely recovered then just restart the Netbackup services and then it will starts working normally . Some times you may require to rerun the device config if its giving any issue.


    If you dont have the catalog backup , then you need to do all the steps manually .

    1. Need to install and configure Netbackup Master server .

    2. Configure Robot and Tape drives .

    3. Import the old medias . Because you dont have the catalog information , so you need to import alll the tapes to rebuild the catalog information and then you can able to see the image (backup) information and you can restore from them .

    4. Create policies , storage units etc...


  • Sorry guys,

    I'm still searching for the catalog backup, which was ever taken @ remote site

    We don't have direct access or know anyone @ remote site where the master crashed.

    So we rely on third person to get the information passed to us, so the delay. 

    Will come back and see what feasible solution we can do at this situation.

    Will keep you posted


  • Anonymous's avatar

    If I was you I would also make sure you install Suse Linux (64-bits) then NBU 6.5.5 on your replacement hardware.

    This will make upgrading to NetBackup 7 a easy route. As if your master was on 32-bits OS you would have to perform this 64-bit OS upgrade before thinking about netbackup 7 - (only supports 64-bit servers now - mostly)

    Your hostname should be the same as well as the IP address (when NBU services are started at least)