A little powershell script to restart a service
Oops Sorry All
I posted the wrong script. This is the correct one that uses a function. Enjoy
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function Stop-PendingService {
$Services = Get-WmiObject -Class win32_service -Filter "state = 'stop pending'"
if ($Services) {
foreach ($service in $Services) {
try {
Stop-Process -Id $service.processid -Force -PassThru -ErrorAction Stop
catch {
Write-Warning -Message "Unexpected Error. Error details: $_.Exception.Message"
else {
Write-Output "There are currently no services with a status of 'Stopping'."
$service = Get-Service -Name "<YourServiceHere>"
if ($service.Status -eq 'Stop pending'){Stop-PendingService}
elseif($service.Status -eq 'Stopped'){$service.Start()}
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