Forum Discussion

CR_IT's avatar
Level 1
10 years ago

About Supported Configurations for MS Sharepoint on Netbackup

Hi all,

Recently, our company has implemented MS Sharepoint system for file sharing purpose. We have another centralized backup server implemeted using Netbackup 7.6. The mentioned Sharepoint system is also made use of the centralized backup server to backup the database records.

However, the implementation vendor reported that database recovery cannot perform in transactional base but only a full recovery at the time of backup can be done.

Our configuration is listed below for reference.

Backup Server:

Windows 2012 Server with Netbackup 7.6

MS Sharepoint system:

Sharepoint 2013 with SQL Server 2014

I have found a footnote under NetBackup Database and Application Agent Compatibility List which state as follows.

"SharePoint databases are not supported if the SharePoint server is configured to use a SQL Server 2014 instance."

I just want to know if there is any workaround so that transactional base recovery for the above configuration can be done.

Otherwise, is there any roadmap on the mentioned Sharepoint configuration to be supported in the future release of Netbackup?

Mark Leung

  • Hi Mark


    The note you're seeing refers to the use of the SharePoint agent to backup the SharePoint databases.


    If you were to backup the database using a SQL agent then it would be supported as a SQL backup.


    Surely not 100% what you require but it will protetct them against failure.