Forum Discussion

Dmitry_K's avatar
Level 4
8 years ago

After NBU update 8.1 to 8.1 size of log folder was dramatically increased

After NBU update 8.1 to 8.1 size of log folder was dramatically increased

Week ago (16 now) I upgraded NBU from 8.0 to 8.1 , with some problems (Explanation: The Certificate Revocation List (CRL) could not be downloaded - How to identify and correct certificate and CRL related errors in 8.1

 How to generate a Certificate Revocation List (CRL) when it is not automatically generated on the master server during installation. )

 and Run the following command to deploy the CRL:

<Install_Path>\NetBackup\bin\nbcertcmd –getCrl


Two days ago (22 now) I caught another error - unable to connect to NetBackup Service Layer (nbsl) (or something like this, I had not write any log).

Yesterday I found there there are no free space on NBU drive (near 2 Gb free), delete some old files and all was fine.

Today I could not start NBU console with this errors in pop-up –

1 - Connection to the Netbackup service layer (NBSL) could not be established. You may not be able to perform the operations that require the NBSL

2 - Interface initialization failed due to the following reason: Vxss authorization failed

3 - An unknown error has occurred during interface initialization. Please see the log file for details

I checked the services (all were started), then restart the server (it did not help), read C:\Program Files\Veritas\NetBackup\logs\user_ops\nbjlogs (there was a lot of the signs, but nothing new) and checked free space again – it was near 2 Gb free space on the system drive.


I started looking for a space  – the main lost space were in -

C:\Program Files\Veritas\NetBackup\logs\nbars – 41Gb

C:\Program Files\Veritas\NetBackup\logs\nbdisco – 12 Gb

C:\Program Files\Veritas\NetBackup\logs\nbemm – 6 Gb

 All big log files (51Mb)  in this log folders were created after 16 nowember – day, when I did NBU upgrade.

It is look as if I enable logging level 5, but I did not.


After I move old log files to another drive (and now free space is near 50 Gb) and restart the whole server again – problem were solved - NBU console could start

(say the truth, I found solution there – 3 Ensure that the system has sufficient swap space and the following directories are not full:






Why this logs became so big after upgrade and where decrease log level?

  • Host properties - Master server - properties - logging was set : Global logging: Minimum; all other - same as global

    • quebek's avatar


      Please check the unified logging setting by executing this one-liner (for linux based OS):

      for i in `vxlogcfg -l -p NB|grep -v -e Defa -e List` ; do echo settings for OID ${i}; vxlogcfg -l -p NB -o ${i}|grep Level; done

      If anythig is having DebugLevel = 6 please change it to 1 - with this one:

      vxlogcfg -a -p NB -o OID -s DebugLevel=1

      • quebek's avatar

        Same loop for WINDOWS OS (cmd not powershell)

        for /f %i in ('vxlogcfg -l -p NB ^|findstr /v Defa^|findstr /v List') do (echo logging settings for %i && vxlogcfg -l -p NB -o %i^|findstr Level)

        again one-liner...