Forum Discussion

Joe_Despres's avatar
20 years ago


Attempting to use the "AUTO_UPDATE_ROBOT" feature on a HPUX 11.11 5.1 mp3a system that has a IBM 3584 tape library. 16 map i/o slots....

I have added this entry to vm.conf and have recycled the services.

Doesn't seem to be working....

There are no other systems using this robot...

  • Hya,

    I Don't even know this option .... AUTO_UPDATE_ROBOT !

    You can use the command vmupdate with the good parameters for involgrp and outvolgrp for tapes that came in and came out since the last known configuration. You have to specify the number and type of robot.

    Then you can have this command scripted to run automaticaly, but I would suggest to have it accessible by your operators.

    Plus, you should put it in a SESSION_START_NOTIFY script on your master server if it's controls the robot.