Forum Discussion

vikram_mehta08's avatar
10 years ago

Backup Exit Notify script

How would I configure the backup_exit_notify script to email me when certain clients have failed their backups and be able to filter the emails with respect to the policy names?

  • Hi Vikram,

    Here's an example backup_exit_notify.cmd for Windows:

    @echo off
    setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
    REM ************************************************************************************************
    REM *    File:      backup_exit_notify.cmd
    REM *    Purpose:  Called by NetBackup, when backup jobs complete.
    REM *
    REM *    Vers    Date        Who    Description
    REM *    ----    ----        ---    -----------
    REM *    v0.01    23-APR-2015    sdo    First draft.
    REM ************************************************************************************************
    REM *    Disclaimer
    REM *    ----------
    REM *    This script was developed and tested using:
    REM *        - Windows 2008 R2 SP1
    REM *        - NetBackup Server v7.6.0.4
    REM *
    REM *    This script is not endorsed, nor has it been tested, by Symantec.  Neither the author, nor
    REM *    Symantec, shall accept any liability from any harm, loss, or damage caused by the use
    REM *    and/or mis-use of this script, either in its original form, or in a modified form.  Use of
    REM *    this script in its original, or modified, form is entirely at the end user's own risk.
    REM *    This script is furnished on an example basis only, and may not be suitable for any given
    REM *    environment.  
    REM ************************************************************************************************
    REM *    Sharing
    REM *    -------
    REM *    This script is free to share and modify, as long as this entire header section is kept with
    REM *    the script, and maintained and updated appropriately as any changes are made.
    REM ************************************************************************************************
    REM *    Notes
    REM *    -----
    REM *    1) Mutiple instances of this script could be instantiated concurrently by NetBackup at any
    REM *       given time.
    REM *
    REM *    2) Therefore this script has to somehow make its own working file names unique.
    REM *
    REM *    3) Hence we use a double random number in an attempt to make our working file names unique.
    REM *
    REM *    4) When this script is run by NetBackup, then it runs as root, which in Windows means that
    REM *       this script runs a "NT_System_Authority".
    REM *
    REM *    5) Therefore, when this script runs, the value in `!temp!` will probably point towards:
    REM *        C:\Windows\Temp
    REM *
    REM *    6) Which means that if this script has a bug, or the call to bperror fails, or the call to
    REM *       the emailer fails, then small temporary files will begin to accumulate in the folder
    REM *       pointed to by `!temp!`, i.e. files will begin to accumulate in:
    REM *        C:\Windows\Temp
    REM *
    REM *    7) NetBackup does not wait for the completion of this script, and therefore does not check
    REM *       for, nor take any action based upon, the final exist status of this script.
    REM ************************************************************************************************
    REM ************************************************************************************************
    REM ************************************************************************************************
    REM ************************************************************************************************
    REM *** Build some file names used by this script...
    set z_path=%~dp0
    set z_name=%~n0
    set z_random=!random!-!random!
    set z_file_csv=!temp!\!z_name!.csv
    set z_file_log=!temp!\!z_name!-!z_random!.log
    set z_file_txt=!temp!\!z_name!-!z_random!.txt
    if exist "!z_file_log!"  del "!z_file_log!"
    if exist "!z_file_txt!"  del "!z_file_txt!"
    REM ************************************************************************************************
    REM ************************************************************************************************
    REM *** Were we called by NetBackup?
    if /i not "!IS_NETBACKUP_DAEMON!"=="yes" (
      echo !date! !time:~0,8!  Script can only be called by NetBackup...
      exit /b 1
    REM ************************************************************************************************
    REM ************************************************************************************************
    REM *** Append to a log of all backup job statii...
    (echo !date! !time:~0,8!,!computername!,%~1,%~2,%~3,%~4,%~5,%~6,%~7,%~8)>>"!z_file_csv!"
    REM ************************************************************************************************
    REM ************************************************************************************************
    REM *** If not "done_trying" then exit out ?
    REM *** N.B: Comment out this line if you want all 'attempts' to send an email...
    if "%~7"=="0"  exit /b
    REM ************************************************************************************************
    REM ************************************************************************************************
    REM *** If success, or partial, then do we need to email ?
    REM *** N.B: Comment out these lines if you also want emails to be sent for backup status 0 or 1...
    REM if "%~5"=="0"  exit /b
    REM if "%~5"=="1"  exit /b
    REM ************************************************************************************************
    REM ************************************************************************************************
    REM *** Build an email message body text file...
    call :r_txt ""
    call :r_txt "Backup job details:"
    call :r_txt "  P1 - Client:         %~1"
    call :r_txt "  P2 - Policy:         %~2"
    call :r_txt "  P3 - Schedule:       %~3"
    call :r_txt "  P4 - Schedule Type:  %~4"
    call :r_txt "  P5 - Status:         %~5"
    call :r_txt "  P6 - Stream:         %~6"
    call :r_txt "  P7 - Done Trying:    %~7"
    call :r_txt "  P8 - Primary JobID:  %~8"
    if not "%~5"=="0" (
      if not "%~5"=="1" (
        call :r_txt ""
        call :r_txt ""
        call :r_txt "Backup status `%~5` error is described as:"
        echo+ >>"!z_file_txt!"
        bperror -S %~5 -r >>"!z_file_txt!" 2>&1
        set z_sts=!errorlevel!
        if not !z_sts!==0 (
          call :log " to bperror failed, status `!z_sts!`..."
          goto :end
        echo+ >>"!z_file_txt!"
    call :r_txt ""
    call :r_txt "[end]"
    REM ************************************************************************************************
    REM ************************************************************************************************
    REM *** Send an email...
    if "%~5"=="0" (
      set z_subject=Backup job success for client %~1 in policy %~2...
    ) else (
      if "%~5"=="1" (
        set z_subject=Backup job partial for client %~1 in policy %~2...
      ) else (
        set z_subject=Backup job failed for client %~1 in policy %~2, with status %~5...
    call :log ""
    call :log "Calling emailer..."
    blat "!z_file_txt!" -s "!z_subject!" -t "!z_recipient!" -p myprofile -debug >>"!z_file_log!" 2>&1
    set z_sts=!errorlevel!
    if not !z_sts!==0 (
      call :log " to email failed, status `!z_sts!`..."
      goto :end
    REM ************************************************************************************************
    REM ************************************************************************************************
    REM *** If we get here, then the call to emailer appeared to be successful, so now we can remove...
    REM *** ...the email body text file, and also remove the log file for the active running instance...
    REM *** ...of this script...
    if exist "!z_file_log!"  del "!z_file_log!"
    if exist "!z_file_txt!"  del "!z_file_txt!"
    REM ************************************************************************************************
    REM ************************************************************************************************
    exit /b
    REM ************************************************************************************************
    REM ************************************************************************************************
    REM *** Write some text to the email body file,...
    REM *** ...but also capture it in the log file for the running instance of this script...
    (echo !date! !time:~0,8!  %~1)>>"!z_file_log!"
    (echo !date! !time:~0,8!  %~1)>>"!z_file_txt!"
    goto :eof
    REM ************************************************************************************************
    REM ************************************************************************************************
    (echo !date! !time:~0,8!  %~1)>>"!z_file_log!"
    goto :eof


    You'll need to adjust the call to 'blat' to call your email routine instead.
