Forum Discussion

rVikas's avatar
Level 5
9 years ago

Backup for OpenStack cloud

Hi All,

Now a days there is lot of buzz about OpenStack cloud.

I would like to check how can we deploy Backup infrastrucute in an OpenStack cloud enviornment.

One way is like building backup domain (with Master, media, storage and client) in each tenant.

2nd way, putting Master server outisde of each tenant and just - Media, Storage inside tenant to backup tenant VMs as shown  in diagram.

in this case Tenant VMs have to connect to master server via Media agent and vice versa.

Have anyone deployed OpenStack cloud in thier enviornment and which backup software has been deployed.


Does Netbackup or any other backup software supports KVM hypervisor to take image level snapshot of VMs?

  • Frist a correction - Netbackup clients can't connect to the master via the media. They must be able to connect to the master server direct. This will change in the further, but for now that is the rule of thumb.

    As of now, you will have to deploy client inside each VM, Netbackup can't perform any KVM based snapshots yet. The question of deployment of media server into each tenant or not is really down to network infrastructure. Personally I would have both master and media servers in a separate zone, protected with router and access list in order to get the bandwidth required - firewall is no good. Having dedicated media servers at each tenant, limit the utilization of resources. E.g Media server at tenant A if fully loaded and backup does make the backup windows, but tenants media server C-E does is idle, but can't be used. By having all media servers in one zone you can utilize them across tenets.

    There is one major vendor of backup software that support hypervisor based snapshot backup KVM - and no it not Veritas, its  C.......

    • rVikas's avatar
      Level 5

      Thank you Nicolai,


      I could not get vendor name in the statement "There is one major vendor of backup software that support hypervisor based snapshot backup KVM - and no it not Veritas, its  C......."





      • Systems_Team's avatar
        Level 6

        Hi rVikas,

        Nicolai doesn't want to say the dirty "C" word in this forum :smileylol:

        You won't find the name with a simple google search of openstack cloud AND backup, you'd have to dig into a number of web pages.

        As NetBackup is not the product for you in your case, I'll help you out - It's Commvault

        Good luck with your implementation.
