Backup Image detailed file/folder size report
I have a physical windows client with daily differentials of 22GB in size. I'm trying to determine a way to output a detailed backup job report that includes files/folders, including the size backed up. This would help me establish a possible growth trend over time in a particular folder. I suspect a folder on the system is growing in size, and the application owner doesn't know.
I've tried bpclimagelist, bpdbjobs & OpsCenter report, including protected size, but I can't get granular enough down to the files/folders and sizes of the backup.
Primary Server is NetBackup v9.1.0.1 running on Windows Server 2016
Thanks so much!
Try bpflist, it will list files and folder contained in the backup image. The output of bpflist will have file size.
It does mean you have to play around with a little bit of scripting.
How to list files backed up using the bplist or bpflist command